And now, as I cradle him in my arms, waiting for the ambulance to arrive, I know that this love will be what saves us both.

"Anthony, stay with me," I plead, my voice shaking as I hold his hand to anchor him to the present.

His eyes flutter weakly, fighting to stay open.

"Tell me something, anything."

"Did you know… I used to hack into computers for fun when I was a teenager?" he mumbles, his words slurred with pain.

I can see the effort it takes for him to speak, but I need to keep him conscious.

"Really?" I ask, forcing a smile and trying to sound intrigued.

"What kind of stuff would you do?"

"Nothing too bad," he insists, his breathing labored.

"Just… pranks on friends, harmless stuff."

"Anthony Giovanni, the computer genius," I tease gently, giving his hand a reassuring squeeze.

"I never would've guessed."

"Full of surprises, aren't I?" he manages a weak grin, even as his body trembles from blood loss and exhaustion.

"Always," I agree, swallowing the lump in my throat as I listen for the sound of sirens in the distance.

"Promise me something, Diana," Anthony says softly, his eyes searching mine with an urgency that catches me off guard.

"Anything," I whisper, my own eyes filling with unshed tears.

"Promise me you'll still fight for the life you want, even if things don't turn out the way we hope," he implores, his voice barely audible.

"Anthony, don't talk like that," I choke out, panic rising in my chest.

"You're going to make it."

"Promise me," he repeats, his grip on my hand tightening as if to convey the gravity of his request.

"Promise me you'll leave this life behind. Run away now. If you wanted to run, you should have told me. I would have helped you. Run now. Make your life. You don't know this, but I had a fund set up for you. My brother knows all about this."

"I promise," I relent, my voice breaking as I make a vow I pray I won't have to keep.

But then I remember my baby, and know I have to keep.

At that moment, the wail of sirens finally reaches my ears, and relief floods through me.

Petrified, with the bodies lying around me - Atwell, Miller, I know there would be lots of questions they'd ask.

Maybe the cops would come too.

But, I need to run. I promised Anthony I'd run.

"Stay with me, amore mio," I whisper, pressing a gentle kiss to his knuckles.

"We have so much more to live for. I'm going to have to go now. You're in safe hands."

Reluctantly, I release Anthony's hand and move away, running out of the warehouse and taking cover behind some bushes.