"Got it," I mutter to myself, determination coursing through me.

"Hang on, Diana. I'm coming for you."

Before leaving, I know I need to prepare for whatever confrontations might lie ahead.

I head to the hidden armory in our mansion, selecting weapons tailored for close combat and distance attacks.

I grab a Glock 19, ensuring it's loaded with a full magazine, and tuck it into a custom-made holster at my side.

I also choose a compact SIG Sauer P365 as a backup, sliding it into an ankle holster just in case.

A sleek black hunting knife catches my eye, and I secure it in a sheath strapped to my thigh.

I know I might not need all these weapons, but having them gives me a sense of control—a small comfort in this chaotic situation.

As I head out into the night, I can only hope that my instincts are wrong—that Diana is safe and this whole nightmare is just an unfortunate misunderstanding.

But as I drive through the darkened streets, the roar of the engine beneath me drowning out all other sounds, I know deep in my heart that this won't be so simple.

Chapter 25


Myheartpoundsagainstmy ribcage as I crawl out of the shattered windshield, cutting my palms on jagged shards of glass.

I need to escape – every breath, every thought is consumed by this urge.

The car wreck behind me smokes ominously, a reminder of the danger I am in.

I try to run, but my leg is injured.

"Stop!" A voice bellows from behind me.

FBI Agent Miller, the man who refuses to let me go, clambers out of the wreckage too.

His eyes are dark and determined, his grip on his gun unyielding despite his injuries.

He wants to capture me and take me to Atwell.

Of that, I am certain.

What awaits me there, I can only imagine.

"Leave me alone!" I shout back at him, fear and adrenaline fueling my defiance.

My legs are shaky but my need to survive and fear for my baby is relentless as I try to sprint with my sprained ankle, toward the treeline, hoping to find some semblance of safety amongst the shadows.

But Miller remains hot on my heels, refusing to relent.

"Damn it, Diana! You know you can't get away from me!" he growls, his voice strained.

"Watch me," I mutter under my breath, using every ounce of strength I have left to push myself forward.

But, moving forward it hard, with the pain searing through my leg.

I know that if he catches me, my fate will be sealed.

It's not just my life at stake – my baby's is too.