But what we do know is that we need to find her before Atwell does."

"Agreed," I reply, nodding solemnly.

I glance back at the photos, memorizing every detail of the meeting between Diana and the traitorous Fed.

"Let's get to work," I say, determination coursing through me.

My earlier fear and desperation are now replaced with a burning resolve.

"Right," Lorenzo agrees. "All the best, and keep in touch.

I can't send backup.

It'll draw too much attention to you.

Do you think you can handle this alone?"

"I can," I say, and cut the call.

I pace back and forth in the dimly lit room, my mind racing with possibilities.

Lorenzo's words echo through my head, a haunting reminder of the danger Diana could be in.

I can't help but wonder if she had left to call the Fed, believing he was on our side.

After all, she had been so determined to escape this life, to find someone who could protect her from the very people she feared.

She might have contacted him to pick her up, not knowing he's working against us.

But, how do I find the Fed?

I call Lorenzo back. "Do you think you can find his car number?"

"Already on it," he replies.

"Got it. His car number is DZL-937."

I begin hacking into the federal database with ease.

My skills as a computer genius, honed over years of underworld dealings, come in handy now.

Within minutes, I have the information we need.

I quickly access the city's traffic camera network and isolate the car using its license plate number.

The last location recorded is an abandoned warehouse on the outskirts of town – a perfect place for a secret meeting or, worse, a kidnapping.

"Found him," I announce. "He's near an abandoned warehouse. I need to go there now."

"All the best," says Lorenzo, ending the call.

My heart races as I begin to hack into the GPS system of the Fed's car.

As the car's location comes into focus on the screen, I can see it's parked in a remote forest area a few hours away from Montana.

It's an isolated place, perfect for hiding something—or someone.

I study the map, memorizing the route I'll have to take to get there as quickly as possible.