They will find me, and I will be killed.

Even if they go to prison, the police will never get all of the members.

My life will always be in danger, and eventually, they will find me and kill me.

I will have to move and change my name constantly.

I will never be able to have a steady job.

A real relationship or children.

I will never get to have my dream life.

Regardless of my decision, I am never going to have my dream life.

At least getting married keeps me alive and I can keep helping people.

It is far from ideal, but it is the only viable option that I have.

"I'm sure that line works on a lot of people, but I'm not your average girl. I know that testifying against the mafia is a death sentence. Witness protection or not, they will get me. I'm not about to shorten my life on a rash decision. I can buy my time and wait out my father. Everyone has to die eventually, and then I will be free to make my own decisions."

"You are underestimating the danger of the life you are about to join."

"I'm not going into this with blinders on. I know it's going to be dangerous. I have no idea how dangerous, but I am fully expecting the worst and multiplying it by a hundred. It won't be easy, but neither will life on the run. At least my plan gives me a chance at having a real life afterward. The chance to get married for love and have children. Your plan puts me in an early grave, and that is something I actively try to avoid. I appreciate the concern, but I'll ride the train I am on."

He isn't happy, but it isn't my job to make him happy.

It is my job to stay breathing so I can keep helping people.

Agent Miller is used to having people turning him down, and he will go back and re-evaluate to try and find another way into the organization.

He gives a nod and reaches into his jacket pocket once more before he pulls out a card and places it down on the table as he speaks.

"My card, for when you discover how terrible your life is about to become."

I give him a nod, because there truly isn't anything else I can say.

I know what I am walking into is going to be horrific, but I am going to get through it.

I will figure out how to put walls up between me and my new husband.

I will find a way to make sure I am not involved in either my family or his family's business.

I will continue to be myself and have a roommate.

And I do mean roommate.

If he thinks he is getting sex out of me, he has another thing coming.

We will legally be married, but that is it.

I don't care if he has a parade of whores in and out of the house; that is his choice.

Him and I will be roommates, maybe one day friends on some level, but that is all he is getting from me.

Something that we will be discussing tonight at the rehearsal dinner.

My stomach tightens at just the thought of what is about to happen tonight.