Page 29 of Accidentally Ours

Sure, there were times where I was so busy during the day, working on budget spreadsheets or setting up vendor meetings for a bride, that he wasn’t at the forefront of my mind. But every night, when I climbed into my bed, I thought about him.

Thought about how he was about to kiss me at Hannah’s jewelry boutique opening two nights ago. Which is crazy, because we don’t want anyone to find out we hooked up in Vegas, so we shouldn’t be seen kissing in public, especially after we agreed that our one-night stand would be just that.

And then there’s last night, when I made myself come to the memory of him fucking me in Vegas.

Another group of people walk in.

“Oh, look, now there’s twenty,” I tease.

“Relax. We’re here early for the dinner. More people will show up after.”

Did I get the memo about dinner? My gaze drops to the hem of my dress.

The dress Emma picked out for me is insanely short. She’s shorter than me, so it looks normal on her. But on me? It’s barely covering my ass. Griffin scowled when he saw me in it, but Emma wrapped her arms around his waist, cuddled into his side and told him to tell me I look nice. He looked down lovingly into her eyes, then obliged. It’s clear Emma is the balm to my brother’s overprotective ways. I’m happy they have each other and that I now have a sweet, nurturing woman like Emma in my life.

Dinner might be a problem. The dress hits my upper thigh when I’m standing. Sitting, it will likely be above my pelvis. Oh, and the small issue that I don’t have underwear on. Emma demanded I didn’t wear any. It’s a Balmain dress, she said, panty lines would be unforgivable. Flashing my lady parts to my brother’s co-workers might be unforgivable as well.

“Griffin,” a familiar male voice cuts into my thoughts and I turn to see Hunter approach us, a woman in a cream dress at his side.

When my eyes collide with Hunter’s, there’s a momentary look of surprise, a slight tick in his jaw, before it relaxes and he smiles.

Hunter leans in to kiss Emma on the cheek. “Good to see you, Emma.”

“And you remember my sister, Sophie? You met her at the office.”

“Good to see you again, Sophie.” I ready myself for the feel of his lips on my cheek, the inevitable buzz that our skin-to-skin contact does to me, but he simply nods, then places his hand on the woman’s lower back and gently guides her into the circle we’ve formed.

“This is Madeline,” Hunter announces. I wait for the rest of it. Some sort of indication as to who Madeline is.

This is Madeline, my date…my girlfriend…my long-lost sisterthat looks nothing like Hannah and myself.I glance around. Emma and Griffin nod and smile. Apparently, no one else is dying for these details.

Everyone takes turns introducing themselves and shaking Madeline’s manicured hand. Griffin and Hunter exchange a few words about work, then Hunter excuses himself and Madeline to mingle without a glance backward. It’s totally cool, I tell myself, then I beeline to the bar that’s been set up in the sitting room off the foyer.

“What can I get for you?” the bartender asks.

“Tequila shots.” A guy appears beside me. “Two tequila shots.”

My eyebrows lift as I turn to him. “This doesn’t seem like a tequila shot kind of party.”

“It is when you’re celebrating closing on two ten-million-dollar units.” He flashes a mega-watt smile, and for the first time, I notice how handsome he is. Clean shaven, warm brown eyes, and wavy, chestnut brown hair. His nose is slightly crooked in the middle, like it’s been broken before, and his grin is lopsided but charming.

“Andrew Bachman,” he introduces himself with a handshake.

“Sophie Hart.”

“The pleasure is all mine.” His lips quirk again and I can’t help but giggle. “I’m surprised we haven’t met before. I’m the listing agent on the property. Do you work with Hunter?”

“No. I’m Griffin’s sister.” I nod toward Griffin and Emma who are across the room chatting with another couple. “I’m new to the city and he wanted me to come tonight to meet people.”

Andrew’s eyes light up, he points to himself. “I’m people,” he says, deadpan.

I can’t help but laugh. And when the bartender delivers the two tequila shots, I clink shot glasses with him and easily toss one back. The tequila makes my stomach burn. It reminds me I haven’t eaten much today. Some crackers, a yogurt, half of a peanut butter and jelly sandwich and a bag of chips.

I may have graduated and started a job with an elite event planning firm, but I still eat like a toddler. I add healthy eating to my list of adult things to do.

Suddenly, a warm flush works its way down my spine. I think it must be the tequila, but the way the heat sears into my back, it has me turning from the bar to glance around the room. A moment later, I lock eyes with Hunter. He’s with a group on the other side of the room. One hand holds his cocktail glass. Long, masculine fingers gripping the edge as he holds it by his side. The other hand in his pocket, his arm occupied by Madeline’s hands as she grips his forearm in a cozy, intimate gesture while she smiles and laughs with the group.

Hunter’s gaze doesn’t leave mine. We don’t blink. It’s a stare down, one that the tequila shot warming my belly has given me enough confidence to hold. I know we agreed that it was best not to explore anything with each other. I was on board with that on Tuesday. I just didn’t realize I would have to subject myself to seeing Hunter with another woman. That I would want to scratch that woman’s eyes out when I think about him touching her the same way he touched me.