Page 146 of Accidentally Ours

“Goodnight, Sophie. I love you.”

Those last three words are so faint, I might have already been dreaming.



“Start of your last period?” Gianna, the ultrasound tech, asks.

“June 18th, I think.”

She types it into the machine.

Beside me, Hunter squeezes my hand and gives me a supportive smile.

When we got here, I peed in a cup to confirm the pregnancy, then the nurse took my vitals and blood sample.

I have no idea when we got pregnant. We’ve always used condoms and I was on oral contraception. It’s as much of a mystery as theUp and Vanishedpodcast I’m listening to.

Well, over the last few days, I haven’t been able to listen to it. It’s less intriguing, and more stressful now that another human being is growing inside me. I’m thinking that the pregnancy hormones are altering my brain chemistry, which makes sense because they’re doing God knows what to the rest of my body.

While the ultrasound tech preps the machine, I study Hunter’s profile.

I wonder what features our baby will have of his, of mine.

“Oh, are we going to be able to find out the sex today?” I ask.

She takes out the ultrasound wand and covers it with a giant condom.

“Not likely today. It depends on how far along you are, so we’ll see.”

“Is that going where I think it is?” Hunter asks wide-eyed.

“Yes, we’ll be doing a vaginal ultrasound today. A little pressure,” she says, inserting the wand in my vagina.

I should be watching the screen, but instead, I’m watching Hunter. The way his eyes stare intently on the screen, waiting for a glimpse at our baby while he’s asking Gianna a million questions about the technology that makes the ultrasound possible.

I love him.

The thought materializes from a drawer in my brain labeledoverwhelming thoughtswhere I’ve kept it neatly tucked away. It’s there along withI’m pregnantandI think my brother hates me now.

My eyes start to water.

“Hey,” Hunter meets my gaze. He lifts my hand to his lips, pressing a kiss there. “We got this.”

This man is everything. And he’s going to be the father of my child. My heart bursts with happiness at the thought. It’s also filled with amazement and anxiety.

How is it possible that I found this big of a love right out of the gate? It’s like hitting the bullseye on the first try, with your eyes closed, using your non-dominant hand after spinning in a circle ten times.

It feels special.

Gianna shifts the angle of the wand, drawing my attention to the display on the monitor. For a moment, the screen looks like black and white static. I have no idea what I’m looking at right now.

“Oh, that’s interesting.” She’s the professional, but I’d argue when a phallic-like wand is in someone’s vagina, the words ‘that’s interesting’ shouldn’t be used.

She moves the wand again. My bladder feels like it’s going to burst with her poking around in there. I should have peed before. Why did they tell me not to pee before?

“What’s interesting?” Hunter asks, giving me a reassuring wink.