Page 135 of Accidentally Ours

It’s such a small thing, but the fact that he’s already jumping in to figure out what I need eases the tension in my shoulders.

“Emma and Chloe are here.”

My eyes widen. “Really? This early?”

He chuckles. “It’s ten o’clock.”

“Oh, gosh, I didn’t realize I’d slept so late.” I reach for my phone. He’s right, it’s just after ten. So much for a productive Sunday. I had wanted to work on my internship project this weekend, but since finding out I’m pregnant Friday night, I haven’t had a moment or the brain power to focus on it.

“It’s okay. You clearly needed the sleep. Do you want to see them? Or should I tell them you’re resting?”

I bite my lip, still thinking about yesterday. The chaos of everyone finding out the way they did, Griffin and Hunter’s fight, then me and Hunter leaving before dinner.

Even though I told Hunter I wasn’t ready to move in, I did pack some things to stay at his place. I know I need to talk to Griffin at some point, but right now, I’m just trying to figure everything out with me and Hunter and the pregnancy.

“No, I want to see them.”

I pull on some lounge pants and a sweatshirt.

“I’m going to take a shower, then you want to grab brunch?”

“Sure.” I nod, moving toward the door.

“Hey,” he pulls me back to him, his arms encircling my waist. “I’m happy you’re here. And in case there was any question in your mind when you woke up this morning, I want this with you.”

He drops a sweet kiss to my lips, then before he releases me, he gives my ass a playful swat.

I find Emma and Chloe in the living room. At first, I’m not sure what to expect, but the moment Emma sees me, she stands to envelope me in a hug.

“We didn’t get a chance to talk much yesterday with everything that was happening, but we wanted to come by and offer you whatever support you need.”

Chloe steps forward next, giving me a gentle squeeze. “I’m so sorry that your pregnancy was revealed that way. I feel horrible that Betty’s trash digging made an already delicate situation more stressful for you.”

“You don’t have to apologize,” I say. “Obviously, it wasn’t intentional.”

“I know, but I still feel bad.”

“We brought you some essentials.” Emma motions to the basket on the table.

It’s filled with books and snacks, there’s a silk robe and cozy slipper set, flowers and what looks like a gift card to a spa.

“We didn’t know what your plans are and we didn’t want to assume…” Emma’s words trail off.

“I’m keeping the baby.”

Emma smiles and nods. “I think that’s wonderful.”

“So exciting.” Chloe beams.

I can’t stop myself from asking. “And what does Griffin think?”

Emma sighs. “I don’t even think he knows. It was a shock. Your pregnancy, but also that you and Hunter were seeing each other behind his back. He was blindsided and needs some time to process.”

“Yeah, I get it. That’s not how I wanted him to find out. And obviously, the baby wasn’t planned, but I needed him, you know?” Saying the words out loud, voicing how I hoped things had gone when Griffin found out, causes all the emotion I’ve been feeling to bubble up to the surface, and the tears start to flow.

Emma moves to sit beside me, wrapping her arms around me.

“I’m sorry, Sophie. I know Griffin loves you so much and wants the best for you.”