Page 124 of Accidentally Ours

“Emma said you were meeting up with a friend.” Griffin eyes the bag.

“Yeah, Johnathan from work was having a party, so I stopped by.”

“Want to join us?” Emma asks.

“No, thanks. I’m headed to bed.”

“Okay, goodnight,” Griffin calls as I move down the hallway toward my bedroom.

I change into my pajamas, then lock myself in the hallway bathroom, open the bag and reach for the test.

Setting it upright on the counter, I take a deep breath, then peer down at the small window.

I don’t even need to pull out the instructions to determine the results. There are no lines with this one. No possible way to misinterpret what it’s telling me.

Staring back at me is one word: PREGNANT.



“You’re slow today, St. Clair.”

Barrett chuckles, but the humor doesn’t reach his weary eyes. “Yeah, I was up all night with Betty.”

He wipes his forehead with a towel and his wedding band glints in the sun.

“So, the new puppy is keeping you up?”

Barrett and Chloe adopted Baxter, a Goldendoodle, when they first started dating, and after returning from their honeymoon in Italy, they added another Goldendoodle puppy to their family.

“Yeah, it’s a good thing Betty is adorable because her need to go out at three in the morning isn’t working for me.” He takes a drink from his water bottle. “Betty is Chloe’s response to me wanting to start trying for a baby.”

“You’re ready for kids?” I ask, eyebrows shooting to my hairline.

“Fuck yeah. Chloe wants to wait a few years, which I understand, she’s younger and wants to focus on her career and have more time just the two of us, but I’m ready to be a dad.”

“Wow. I never thought I’d hear those words come out of your mouth.”

“I didn’t either, but then I found Chloe, and everything changed.”

I can relate. It’s how I feel about Sophie.

I couldn’t wait to see her this morning, but she didn’t show up for our run. After several unanswered calls and texts, she finally responded.

Sophie:Sorry, I overslept this morning. I’ll call you soon.

After a week away from her, the last thing I wanted was more space.

I’ve been trying to distract myself today. I attempted to work this morning, but I couldn’t focus. Playing tennis with Barrett has taken up most of the afternoon.

“You want to do one more game?” I ask.

Barrett glances at his watch. “I better head out. We’ve got a dinner party at Emma and Griffin’s tonight.”

“Yeah? That’s cool.” I normally couldn’t care less about a dinner party, but with Emma and Griffin hosting, I’m curious if Sophie will be there.

I grab my phone and text her.