Page 97 of Accidentally Ours

“I was downtown at a meeting and I haven’t been here since the soft opening,” I offer as an explanation. “How’s the wedding planning going?” I ask, perusing the open binder on the desk with various styles of wedding invitations inside.

“It’s going well. Do you want to know about the embossed linen texture, hand-painted wedding invitations we’re looking at, or do you just want to hear about Sophie?” Her lips quirk to the side, her brows lifted in that all-knowing expression of hers.

My mouth opens to reply. When nothing comes out, she laughs.

“You’re so transparent, you’re practically see-through.”

“I will not confirm your allegations.”

“But you won’t deny them either.” Her smile is beaming.

I drop into the chair pushed against the wall, while Hannah takes a seat at the desk.

“Let’s just say I’ve noticed your event attendance has reduced significantly, and when you are absolutely required to be somewhere, there’s been no woman on your arm.”

“And that haswhatto do with Sophie?”

She shrugs innocently. “Just an observation.”

I ignore her and pretend I came all this way just to flip through this wedding invitation binder.

“You’re going to the lake this weekend?” she asks.

“That’s the plan.”

“It should be a beautiful weekend; too bad you’ll be all alone.”

I keep my face neutral, giving her nothing. “I’ll manage.”

I lift my gaze, waiting for her to dig for more information. She stays unusually quiet.

“What are your plans for the weekend?” I ask.

“James and I are going with a few other couples to the Hamptons.”

I nod. “Have you talked to Mom and Dad recently?”

“They called yesterday. Sounds like they made it back from Europe, and now, they’re headed to Palm Beach.” She moves to stand. “Anything else?” she prompts.

She knows I’m stalling. “Listen, I’d love to hide back here and gab with you all afternoon, but I’ve got a business to attend to.” She’s mocking me. Payback for all the times I’ve interrupted our conversations or rushed her off the phone for work. “So, if there’s nothing else you’d like to chat about…” She motions toward the exit.

“I’d like to purchase a necklace.”

“Really?” She smirks. “I didn’t imagine you as a gold chain kind of guy.”

I roll my eyes, already regretting this. “It’s not for me.”

She eyes me, her lips twitching with curiosity.

“Okay then. Let’s go take a look.”

I follow her out to the front. I’m aware I could have sent Jeannie or ordered it online, but I wanted to pick it out myself. Like the nail polish set. It feels more personal that way. And maybe there’s a part of me that wants Hannah to know about me and Sophie. A part that wonders what it would be like if the entire world knew.

Hannah takes out a mat and places it on the glass case.

“Let’s start with the basics. Design preference. Sizing. Name of and your relationship with the recipient.”

I narrow my eyes at her. “Do you ask all your potential customers such intrusive questions?”