Page 4 of Accidentally Ours

It wasn’t that I was expecting him to be there when I woke up. I didn’t have a breakfast in bed, cuddle session, morning after scenario I wanted to fulfill. What can you really expect from a guy that you met at a club in Vegas? I wasn’t picking out our kids’ names or anything. It was my idea in the first place to not exchange information, so it was fine that he wasn’t there.

No, everything was perfect about that night until I found the cash he left on the bedside table.

* * *

With thoughts of Hunter tucked far away, I exit the subway and walk the two blocks to Marion Adler’s office. Upon exiting the elevator, the whimsical and stylishly decorated reception area greets me. Everything is white and gold, with floral arrangements adding pops of color. Large script letters, M and A, for Marion Adler, behind the reception desk are backlit with a soft pink light. A dark-haired woman in a beige dress sits at the reception desk. If I remember correctly from the new-hire packet, her name is Sabrina.

All of the interviews and orientation were done via video chat. It’s odd to be walking through the doors to an office I’ve never been to, and now I work here.

Internally, I’m squealing.

When I approach, Sabrina holds up a finger to signal she’ll be with me in a moment, but before she finishes her call, a guy appears from the side of her desk.

“You must be Sophie.” While he assesses me, I observe he’s fashionably dressed in gray slacks, a gray button-down vest and a white dress shirt rolled up to his elbows. His copper hair is wavy and he’s got a few freckles across his cheeks. I’m tall, but he’s got a good six inches on me. I mentally swat away the thought that like this guy, Hunter was tall, and I liked how he towered over me.

“That’s me.” I smile enthusiastically.

“I’m Johnathan, an associate wedding planner here, and your report for the summer.” He extends his hand and I take it.

“Nice to meet you.” I nod, recalling the orientation call where I was informed that each intern is assigned to an associate planner for the summer.

“I apologize I wasn’t able to meet you at your new-hire orientation. I was on my honeymoon.” He wiggles his left hand to show off a white-gold band.

“Congratulations.” Suddenly I’m curious if he planned his own wedding, but before I can ask, he reads my mind.

“I don’t wish wedding planning on anyone I love. And my husband is even more of a control freak than I am. We eloped.”

I can’t help but laugh.

“What about you?”

“Am I married? No.” I shake my head.

“Don’t worry. You will be. To this job.” He bursts with laughter. “I’m just kidding. Kind of. No. I’m not.” He catches my wide-eyed expression. “Trust me, if you made it this far, you’ll be fine.”

I nod and smile, hoping he’s right. I wouldn’t be here if I couldn’t handle the job.

“All right, we’ve got a lot to cover this morning before the intern meeting so let’s get started.” He motions for me to follow him past the reception desk.

As we move down the hall, Johnathan gives an office tour, explaining how the office is set up to accommodate the two divisions at Marion Adler Events.

“On the east side, you’ve got the wedding planning division, and on the west, the event planning division, which covers all other events outside of weddings.”

His explanation is a review of what was already covered in my online internship orientation, but it’s nice to get a refresher.

As we move down the hall, he motions to the offices for the other associate wedding planners and gives me a quick rundown of their expertise and personalities.

“And this is Marietta’s office.” He motions to the empty office. “She hates love. I honestly don’t know how she does it, but she still manages to plan some of the most idealistic, thoughtful weddings, even while detesting love as a notion.”

“That’s interesting.”

He stops abruptly. “Before we go any further, I have to know your stance.”

“My stance?” I ask.

“On love.”

“Oh, pro-love. Love is great.” I nod eagerly, ignoring the fact that I personally have no idea what it’s like to be in love.