Page 38 of Accidentally Ours

“I’ve never slept with her. She’s a work associate and a friend.”

“Why are you telling me this?” she asks.

“Because I fucked you with my tongue last night on the bathroom counter at my work dinner, and I meant it when I said I can’t stop thinking about you.”

Sophie pulls her leg back. This time I let her go. She stands up and walks toward a tree just off the path. She crosses her arms over her chest and stares at me.

“What does that even mean?” she asks.

I rise from the bench and move to where she’s now leaning against the tree. I lean in close so she’s the only one who will hear my words.

“Sophie, I want to press your face into a pillow and fuck you from behind, come on your tits, and leave my handprint on your ass.” I clear my throat. “Among other things.”

I’m not sure how she’s going to react to my honesty. She might slap me, but I can’t hold back from telling her what I want. I’m far past interested with Sophie. Now, I’m plain desperate to have her.

She angles her head so she can look me in the eyes. A small smile pulls at her lips.

“Hopeless romantic, huh?”

“I’m honest,” I reply, pulling back so I can see all of her again. See the flush on her cheeks that is no longer from running but from hearing what I want to do to her. Maybe from thinking about what we already did in Vegas. How uninhibited we both were with each other. Strangers that had an intense connection. “That’s what I liked about you in Vegas.”

She laughs. “I was tipsy on tequila and thought I’d never see you again.”

“Yet here we are, running into each other at every turn.” I shove my hand into my hair, making my bedhead worse, I’m sure.

She bites her lip.

“Emma told me you’re a player,” she gives me a once over, “which is fine, I’m not looking for a boyfriend. I want to focus on my career and explore the city.”

If I wasn’t already turned on by the sight of Sophie, her words would do it. A sexy woman telling me she doesn’t need a relationship? She’s an angel sent from above.

“That’s all good. I want to focus on my career and exploreyou,” I reply.

“But I’m not going to be one of many women. I didn’t like that feeling last night.”

“I don’t have the time or energy to juggle multiple women. When I’m ready to move on, I let them know.”

Sophie’s brows lift. “That’s simple enough.”

We stand there for a moment eyeing each other.

“What’s not simple is Griffin working for you and me planning your sister’s wedding.”

“It’s our business. We’ll keep it to ourselves.” The words come out easy, that’s how bad I want her.

“What changed? Four days ago, you were adamant we keep our distance.”

She’s right. But what started as a simple urge to have her again has become an insurmountable distraction. Who knows how long it will take to clear Sophie from my head. The most logical solution is to fuck her until she’s out of my system.

“It was four more days of knowing that we were in the same city. Four nights of fucking my own hand and thinking about you. You can’t deny there was something in Vegas.” I slide my hand over her hip, my fingertips dancing along the waistband of her shorts, my thumb brushing against the smooth skin of her stomach as I pull her closer. My lips press soft kisses along her jaw. “Tell me you don’t feel it.”

She sighs, softening into me.

“I masturbated to the thought of you the night after Hannah’s opening,” she says.

Surprised, I choke on a laugh.

“Why are you laughing?” She scowls, trying to pull away.