Page 33 of Accidentally Ours

“You okay?” I can hear Griffin’s concern on the other side of the door.

“Yyyeah. Just finishing up. Be out in a minute.”

Hunter begins working my dress back down my thighs, then helps me off the counter and we silently wash our hands. We’re civilized after all, though our uncontrollable hormones would tell a different story. Even though he wiped between my legs, I can still feel how swollen my clit is, how sensitive and slick I still am from my orgasm.

As he lathers, I stare at Hunter’s soapy hands, in complete shock that his fingers were inside me a moment ago. I can’t believe that just happened. What the hell were we thinking?

“You go out first. I’ll wait a few minutes,” Hunter whispers in my ear.

I nod in confirmation, then wait for him to position himself behind the cabinet so Griffin can’t see him when I open the door.

“Hey!” I greet Griffin with enthusiasm. A little too much, I think, because he gives me a strange look.

“Hi. Everything okay?” he asks.

“Yeah. I’m great. Just going pee.”

“Okay.” Griffin nods toward the dining room. “Dinner’s being served. Emma saved you a seat.”

He moves to go around me into the bathroom, and I shuffle to block him.

“What are you doing?” I ask accusingly. As if he’s the one acting weird, not me.

“I need to use the bathroom.” He motions to the bathroom and moves forward again.

Oh shit. He cannot go in there. While the space is beautifully decorated, it’s minimalist, so unless Hunter can fold his six-foot-three body onto a floating shelf above the toilet, there’s absolutely no place for him to hide. I grab the door handle and whip the door shut, nearly slamming Griffin’s hand in the door jamb.

“Jesus, Soph! What are you doing?”

“I lied. It’s really bad in there.” I wave my hand in front of my nose to indicate an awful smell. “Something did not agree with me. I’ve been off dairy for a few months and let’s just say that brie appetizer did not sit well.” I throw my hands up dramatically to demonstrate the volcanic eruption that supposedly just took place inside this bathroom. “It went right through me.”

“That’s disgusting. Do you need to go home?”

“I’m fine now. A little chaffed from all that wiping.”

Griffin shakes his head. “I don’t need to know the details.”

I’m cringing internally, and praying that Hunter is not hearing this conversation. He should be grateful I’m subjecting myself to this humiliation for the sake of trying to cover up our bathroom tryst. There’s no way either of us wants to explain what we were doing in the bathroom together.

Griffin pinches the bridge of his nose. “Is there a mess?”

“No.” I shake my head adamantly. “It’s just the horrid smell. I sprayed some perfume and turned on the fan. It should be clear in about five to ten.”

I put my arm through his and turn him away from the powder bathroom. Thankfully, he goes willingly.

“Fine. I’ll use the master bath.”


I release his arm so he can continue down the hallway toward the master bedroom and ensuite bath, making sure he disappears into the room before I give the powder bath door a quick knock and whisper yell ‘all clear’ then make my way down the hall and out to the dining room.

The rest of the small dinner group is seated and I find my place next to Emma.

“I ordered you the chicken since I know you don’t eat steak.”

“Thanks.” I set my clutch on the table, then slide into the high-back leather chair.

“Hey, I saw you talking to Andrew at the bar.” She wiggles her eyebrows.