Page 16 of Accidentally Ours

All I want to do right now is change out of my dress into comfy clothes and face plant onto my bed. I’m walking through the living room when I hear what sounds like whispers. Oh, no. The last thing I need is to walk in on Griffin and Emma having sex. That would make my day of humiliation complete.

“I’m home!” I call out, hoping that gives them enough time to pull up their pants.

“Surprise!” Emma jumps out from behind the dining room wall, followed by Griffin. Behind them I can see the dining table set, boxes of Chinese food from my favorite place (I know I’ve lived here for less than a week, but Emma introduced it to me, and I’ve declared it my favorite, no need to try out any other places).

“You guys, what is this?” I ask, pleased that the surprise is dinner on the table, not me catching them in a compromising position.

Emma pulls me into a hug. “This is your first day at your dream internship celebration dinner.”

When Emma releases me, Griffin wraps his big arms around me, then whispers in my ear, “She finds any reason for a celebration. But seriously, Soph, we’re so proud of you.”

Tears form along my lash line and I barely manage to choke out one word. “Thanks.”

Looking at the dinner spread Emma arranged, I’m immediately thankful that I didn’t get fired today. That would have been a huge letdown.

“I got all of your favorites.” Emma lists off the three dishes that I’ve tried and loved. “Now, sit down and tell us about your day.”

We sit and pass the containers around the table. I’m still not quite used to seeing Griffin in his work clothes. His button-down shirt and slacks make him look like a completely different person.

“It was good,” I say, scooping some rice onto my plate.

“Just good?” Emma prods.

I have to laugh. This dinner and inquisition feel like parents asking how a kid’s first day of school was. While Griffin wants to put the blame on Emma for this arrangement, this has protective big brother looking for the scoop written all over it.

I humor them by telling them about Johnathan, my desk-mate, June, the excitement of running around the city for various meetings, checking out venues and meeting with vendors.

“We had lunch at Delphino’s.”

“I love Delphino’s,” Emma responds.

“Haven’t heard of it,” Griffin says around a mouthful of food. He’s been living in the city for six weeks, so that’s not a surprise.

“It was a new client meeting.” I breeze over the details. You know, the fact that I threw up in the restroom, thinking I had slept with the groom, who turned out to be the bride’s brother, and accused him of paying me for sex.

I also don’t mention that an hour after we returned to the office, an obscenely large bouquet of flowers was delivered to me. I thought it was a mistake at first.

Johnathan had informed me this morning that many florists, caterers, and stationary businesses that want to get on the company’s vendor list will send free items as a way to show off their work. He said bakeries will deliver actual wedding cakes and there is nothing more dangerous than free cake. So, when the flowers arrived at my desk, I was sure it was a florist showing off their skills that was somehow misdirected to me.

Sabrina in reception assured me the card had my name on it.

It did. Sophie was scrawled in masculine handwriting across the envelope. I don’t even know what masculine handwriting is, but I knew the second I saw it who they were from.


I apologize for our misunderstanding in Las Vegas. Congratulations on your internship.

Wishing you well,


I left the flowers at work. I don’t need Griffin and Emma inquiring about them, and at work, everyone thought it was from friends or family congratulating me on the start of my internship. Technically, it was.

I’ve looked at the card five thousand, six hundred and forty-seven times. And yet, I still can’t figure out what the hell‘wishing you well’means.

It’s definitely notI want to see you againorI’m thinking about you.Not that running into Hunter at the lunch meeting today was going to lead to anything. We hooked up in another city and didn’t make plans to contact each other or see one another again.

“Are you not hungry?” Emma eyes my plate. The food I’ve piled on it hasn’t been touched.