Page 14 of Accidentally Ours

It’s an old habit that started at prep school during tests and has stuck with me through the intensity of business school and now a demanding career.

My hand lifts to pat down the disheveled hair created by my restless fingers.

“Other than the fact that it probably could have been an email? Fine.”

Typically, I’m calm and collected at meetings no matter how tense or tedious they are, but all afternoon, I’ve felt restless. I want to say it has nothing to do with seeing Sophie and everything to do with work, but I’m not convinced that is the case.

“Shouldn’t you be long gone?” I motion to her desk, now lit by her lamp as most of the overhead office lights have been turned off.

With a wife and two children, I know Jeannie values her family time. I’ve made it clear I never expect her to stay as late as I do.

“I meant to catch you this morning, but Steph had a work emergency, so I had to take Milo to the orthodontist.” She lifts a pile of mail. “We need to go over some RSVPs and your schedule.”

I motion her into my office. I’ve got another hour of work here before I can call it a day, so I wake up my computer while she gets comfortable in my guest chair.

“I can’t believe Milo is old enough for braces now. I swear he was eight yesterday.”

“He’s twelve now.” She snorts. “And going through puberty.”

“Oh, shit.” I chuckle. “As a former twelve-year old boy myself, I feel the need to apologize for what is coming next. The moodiness. The odor. The dirty socks that have nothing to do with smelly feet.”

She laughs. “We’re already there. It’s been a challenge for Steph, but I grew up with three brothers, so it’s not as much of a shock to me.”

Listening to Jeannie talk about her family always puts a smile on my face.

Jeannie starts through the invitations to various events and parties, using the calendar on her tablet to determine my availability.

“Everything is set for the Midtown West Towers completion celebration on Friday. Employee dinner will be at six-thirty, followed by open house and mingling at eight.” She looks up from her notes. “They want a final head count by tomorrow. Are you planning on bringing a date?”

I consider the option of finding one for the occasion. Typically, I’d bring a date. A woman I’m seeing casually, but there hasn’t been anyone since I hooked up with Sophie in Las Vegas.

I let that settle in for a moment. How long has it been? I glance at the calendar on my desk. Only a few weeks.That doesn’t mean anything. I’ve been busy.

“No. I’ll be solo on this one.”

Her brows lift. “Are you sure? Natasha’s still on speed dial. She asked me to call her if anything in your schedule opened.”

Natasha’s a nice woman, but there’s nothing casual about her. She’s a Park Avenue princess in her early thirties looking to settle down. I learned that on our second date and was quick to let her know that’s not the direction our time together would be going.

I recall the voicemail she left me a few days ago.

“I took some time to think about what you said and I realize you’re absolutely right, we should keep things casual. I’m not looking to settle down anytime soon.” She paused, then laughed nervously. “I mean, what is soon anyways? Are we talking like a year, maybe two? But seriously, we shouldn’t be on a timeline, right? There’s no rush. I froze my eggs a few years ago so I’m not feeling pressure in any way to start a family right now. We should get to know each other, maybe take a vacation or two before we decide if we want to make a bigger commitment. I’m thinking Barbados could be fun…”

Natasha is like many of the women I’ve dated. They’ll agree to a casual relationship thinking I’ll change my mind and want more eventually. When that time doesn’t come, it gets messy.

I can’t pinpoint the exact reason for not wanting to settle down, to date more seriously, all I know is I have a visceral reaction to the thought of being tied to one person.

I give her a tight smile. “No, I’ll go alone.”

She nods and continues through the rest of her list.

My thoughts drift back to Sophie. The way her green dress set off her eyes. The look of revulsion she directed at me when she thought I’d cheated on my fiancée, then the shock when she found out my actual relation to Hannah.

I’d never been more amused and simultaneously turned on in my life.

I shouldn’t be thinking about her now, but sitting across from her at lunch today makes all the memories from Vegas even more vivid.

“You’ve got Hannah’s soft opening on Wednesday. Would you like me to send a congratulatory arrangement? Champagne?”