Page 97 of Unexpectedly Mine

I text back.

So proud of you.

She immediately responds.

Sophie:How’s New York? How’s your WIFE?

I hesitate with my response.How’s my wife?

Emma’s fucking perfect.

I look around the modern, minimalist waiting area of Premier Real Estate. Isn’t that why I’m here? Seeing if there is a future for me in New York, with Emma?

When I played tennis with Barrett, Carl and Hunter again yesterday morning, Hunter suggested I stop by today to check out the office. To meet the other members of the legal team. It would be casual, not an actual interview. I thought, why not? There’s no harm in having a meeting. But sitting here now, I’m starting to feel guilty. I’ve already committed to Terrence and his firm.

Over the last week, my email has been filled with new hire paperwork from McGregor & Lange. It’s a commitment I’ve already made, before I even met Emma. That’s the issue right there. I’ve known Terrence for eight years. He and Rita have been in my corner since day one. They’re like family. Sophie is my family. How would I tell her that I’m abandoning her to go to New York? She’s an adult now, but we are the only family we have. I can’t up and leave her.

I’m about to reply to Sophie when a text from Emma appears.

It’s a picture of her.

She’s lounging in a pink satin robe, her hair in a messy bun, with a dark gray substance painted on her face.

Seeing her, even in a picture, makes my heart skip a beat. She was still asleep when I left for the gym this morning, and when I got back, she was already gone to meet the other ladies for Chloe’s bachelorette party. It’s a whole day thing. Spa, dinner and dancing. I hate that I won’t see her for the rest of the day.

Memories of yesterday have been at the forefront of my mind all morning. I almost let out a chuckle when I think of the photoshoot in the bathtub. It was an odd situation, but with Emma it didn’t feel awkward. It’s easy to be near her. To talk to her. To touch her. To want more with her.

Being in the bathtub with her allowed me to touch Emma the way I’ve been dying to. The weight of her breast in my hand, the curve of her hips and the smooth flesh of her ass under my fingertips. Sitting in that soapy water with Emma in my lap was pure bliss. And then there was the shower. Stroking myself while she pleasured herself with the shower wand. It was completely unexpected, but so fucking hot.

And more than finding our releases together, it was Emma offering for me to go first in the shower that had my heart pounding, my chest tightening. It was in that moment, with that small gesture that I felt like she saw me. The guy that takes care of others, puts their needs ahead of his own. That’s what I’ve been doing my whole life. With my mom, then Sophie, and now, even with Emma. Jumping on a plane to help her was never a question. It was what I wanted to do. It’s what I do for the people I love.

Love. I repeat the word, letting my mind turn it over as I process.

I think back to my relationship with Lainey. It was high school, we were young, but I cared about her a lot. I told her I loved her, but what I felt for Lainey is nothing compared to how I feel about Emma.

My throat is thick as I swallow another drink of water.

It doesn’t feel possible. I’ve only known her for two weeks. And I’m not the guy that rushes into things. My childhood taught me to be flexible, how to adapt when things go off the rails, but in my adulthood, I’m more methodical. I make plans. It’s my way of maintaining control.

But that’s not what happened with Emma. Marrying her in Vegas. Flying to New York to help her. Falling for her.

My desire to protect her, comfort her, and while I’ve tried to maintain a friends only status and be on my best behavior, in the four corners of my mind, I’ve imagined devouring every inch of Emma, claiming her in every way possible.


As this revelation hits me full force, Hunter appears.

“Hey, Griffin. Thanks for coming.”

I stand and shake his hand.

“Thanks for having me.”

“I know I said it was casual, but when I told Walt about you and your knowledge of Nevada law, he got excited.”

“He knows I’m still waiting on my bar results, right?”

“Yeah, I told him your status. He likes the idea of an unseasoned attorney that he can mentor, pass on the torch, that kind of thing. Before I was CEO, my dad ran the business. He and Walt have known each other for decades, so I trust Walt’s judgment implicitly.”