Page 68 of Unexpectedly Mine

I excuse myself and make my way through the doors to the bar just inside the main salon. There are a few people gathered there waiting for their drinks. While I’m waiting in line, a couple that are friends with my parents stops to congratulate me on my wedding.

“Is your husband here tonight?” Anita asks.

“Yes. He’s over there,” I point. “Tall, wavy brown hair, talking to Hunter Cartwright.”

As Anita’s eyes follow my finger, mine stay glued on Griffin. He looks exactly like I want him to. The picture-perfect husband.

When Anita’s eyes land on Griffin, they light with approval. “Oh, very handsome. How did you two meet?”

“Online. A dating service.” It’s the story we agreed to, but as I say the words, my enthusiasm for the lie diminishes.

Anita must pick up on my weak reply.

“Oh, that’s okay. I think that’s how a lot of modern couples meet. That’s how my niece met her husband.”

“And what does he do?” Victor, Anita’s husband, asks me.

“He’s a lawyer, specializing in business and commercial law.”

Victor nods. “Good career. Plenty of stability.”

As we talk about Griffin’s appearance and his career, I realize it doesn’t even scratch the surface of who he is. I want to tell them about his kind heart and how protective he is, how he puts others before himself, how he took guardianship over his sister when he was just eighteen and has been working every day since to give them a good life. And how he came here to help me, no questions asked. He didn’t even take the money that I offered. But I don’t say any of that, I smile and nod when Anita tells me about the Mediterranean cruise they just got back from. She highly suggests it for the honeymoon that we haven’t taken yet.

After a few more minutes of small talk, they move on.

As I turn toward the now open bar, I let my plastered-on smile slip and release a heavy breath. Pretending to be over the moon about my newly married status is exhausting. I think about what it will be like when Griffin and I eventually break up. If there’s something people like talking about more than a surprise wedding, it’s a divorce…an annulment in our case. Talking about our breakup will be even more draining. I’m hoping Jess can spin it somehow. Or that there will be a million more interesting things than the end of mine and Griffin’s short marriage.

I place my drink order. When I turn to scan the crowd, I find myself face to face with Alec.

“Hi,” I say, trying to hide my shock. With the exception of perusing his social media account, I haven’t seen Alec since we broke up. My parents had sent movers to retrieve my things and I’m still questioning if my Le Creuset round oven was really lost in the move or if it’s still neatly tucked into his kitchen cabinet.

“Emma,” he leans forward and kisses me on the cheek. “Nice to see you.”

The formality in his voice is grating. It’s always fascinating to me how one moment, someone can be in your daily life, sleeping in bed next to you, kissing you goodnight, then poof! They’re gone. How does one retrain their brain to not see that person as their other half? At the very least a good friend. I’ve always struggled with that part of breakups. Right now, staring at Alec’s slender frame in the navy Prada suit I bought him for this birthday last year, with his black hair parted and slicked over to the side, all the feelings I once had about this man, the way he was threaded into the fabric of who I was, come rushing back.

But then I glance over his shoulder at Griffin. I watch as my husband nods at something Carl is saying, but in the next second, like he can feel my stare, his eyes lift to meet mine. His intense pools of green are a calming force, yet the way they darken as he takes me in has my stomach tingling with nerves. I shift my attention back to Alec, hoping to wrap up our conversation.

“Good to see you,” I say, giving him a small smile. “You look well.”

“Thanks,” he says, smoothing the lapels of his jacket. “I’ve been working out more. My fiancée has me on a new weight training regimen. One of the companies she works with.”

“That’s great.” It feels like we have as much to talk about now as we did when we were together. I’m looking for a quick exit from the conversation, but then Brecken appears by his side.

“Hey, gorgeous.” Alec kisses her. “This is Emma.” He introduces me like I’m a random person he just met at the bar.

“Nice to meet you.” She extends her left hand. Emily Post would be shaking her head in disapproval right now. Everyone knows that even if you’re left-handed you shake with your right, so now I’m awkwardly fondling the giant rock on her hand. I try to not look at it, but it’s a large, glittery beacon pulling my eyes downward. I can’t help myself. I rotate her hand in mine and take it all in. Cut, emerald. Carats, over three. Clarity, magnificent.

I’ve already seen her ring on social media, but that’s nothing compared to real life.

“It’s beautiful,” I say, nearly breathless from its presence.

“Thanks.” She pulls her hand from mine.

The bartender sets my drink on the bar. I reach for it, hoping it will wash down some of the jealousy I feel. Even if I’m over the idea of Alec and me, that doesn’t mean I’m immune to watching him with another woman, her finger weighed down by an engagement ring that I hoped would be mine.

“Congratulations on your engagement,” I tell them.

“And congratulations on your wedding.” Alec holds his lowball glass toward me in salute.