Page 94 of Unexpectedly Mine

“She got some great shots. Sweet, playful and steamy. There are so many to choose from, it will be a difficult decision,” Kandi says.

“That’s great,” I finally find my voice.

“It was wonderful meeting you two.” Shonda hands her camera to Nakita.

“You as well,” I say. “Thank you.”

“I’ll be in touch.” Kandi follows Shonda toward the door.

Nakita brings our robes over and lays them over the stool. She places a mat down in front of the bathtub for us to step out onto. “There’s a shower in the bathroom for you to rinse off and I put fresh towels on the vanity. Take your time getting dressed and I’ll be out front when you’re ready.”

The door closes behind her with a click.

I lift my hands up to examine my wrinkled fingers. “I’m turning into a prune.”

Griffin presses his fingertips into mine. “Me, too.”

Our fingers interconnect, palms pressing together.

I’m still turned on, but now that we’re alone, I’m even more cautious. There’s no one here to stop us from touching. From getting caught up in the feel of our wet skin sliding against each other’s.

“Thank you. Again. This,” I nod my head toward the photoshoot equipment around us, “was a lot to ask.”

Griffin squeezes my hands. “Taking a bubble bath with my beautiful wife? Not exactly a hardship.”

I laugh. “You know what I mean.”

“Yeah, I know.”

Maybe it’s the stillness of the water, or the fact that the adrenaline from the photoshoot has worn off, but suddenly, I’m freezing. Griffin must be sharing the same feeling, his lips are tinged purple, his skin suddenly rough with gooseflesh.

“We should get out.” He nods.

“Yeah, we should.”

When I stand up, the bubbles cling to my skin, giving me coverage. Somewhere between me straddling him, and his hands all over my body, I’ve decided being half clothed around him is normal. I decide not to use the robe. I’d rather keep it dry and enjoy the soft, plush material when I’m rinsed off, so I opt to quickly dry my feet on the mat, then grab the robe and race for the shower. Griffin follows behind me.

“You go first,” he tells me when we’re in the bathroom.

I nod, my teeth chattering as I hang up the robe on the hook outside the shower stall.

“Aren’t you freezing?” I ask, doing my best to not drop my gaze to the wet skin-tone briefs clinging to his front.

“I’ll be fine.” He nods for me to go ahead.

I’m dying to crank the hot water to full blast and plant myself under the piping hot stream, but I stop short. The only reason today went as well as it did was because of Griffin. He can’t take credit for my designs or the hard work I’ve done to get my gowns and my business this opportunity, but he played his part perfectly, and just having him beside me gave me a sense of calm.

I know he came to New York because he felt regretful that he didn’t stop us from getting married in Vegas, but getting to know him, I’ve discovered that’s who he is. He’s selfless. Always looking out for others. He’s been taking care of his family his whole life, whether it was his mom when she was drinking, or Sophie when he became her guardian.

Griffin is always taking care of others, always putting other people first, and for once, I want to take care of him. To let him know that I appreciate him and everything he has done.

My fingers wrap around his wrist and I give him a tug in the direction of the shower.

“You first,” I tell him. His eyes drop down to my hand, then slowly back up to meet mine.

The bubbles giving me coverage are quickly evaporating, causing a fizzy sensation against my skin. I try to ignore the tingle of my skin as I wait for his response.

He nods. “Okay.”