Page 30 of Unexpectedly Mine

Relief washes over me. “Oh, thank you.”

I’m starting to process how sweet it is that he hung up my dress when he speaks.

“Who is Kandi Kline?” he asks.

“Editor-in-chief ofThe Dress,an elite bridal magazine,” I offer.

“I’m sure if you told her what happened, she’d understand.”

Jess takes in his suggestion, then starts to laugh. It’s more of a cackle, and I know why.

“Kandi Kline is the most influential person in the bridal gown world. Her opinion about anyone in the industry holds weight. She can make or break your career. For better or for worse,” she says dramatically. I can practically hear theduh, duh, duhsound effect in the background.

“She makes Anna Wintour look like a golden retriever,” I offer.

Griffin shakes his head, a quizzical look on his face. “Who’s Anna Wintour?”

I turn to meet Jess’s gaze. With her hands on her hips and her lips quirked to the side, I can tell the wheels in her brain are cranking. Jess is a fixer. She knows Griffin is out of his element, and what is at stake for my brand. She’ll come up with a genius plan and everything will work out. It’s what she does.

“Okay. I’ve got a solution,” she announces.

“So, what do you suggest we do?” I ask, hopeful.

“It’s simple really.” She looks between us, her lips pulled into a tight smile. “You two need to stay married.”



In the hallway of my apartment building, I run into my neighbor, Mrs. Moskiwitz. She’s a retired nurse who watched Sophie while I was working when she was too young to stay home alone. She’s a bit meddlesome with her attempts to set me up with women she knows, but the peace of mind she’s given me with her medical advice and help with Sophie over the years has made it worth it.

She’s originally from Boston. And while she’s lived in Nevada for over a decade, her accent is still very much intact.

“Griffin,” her face lights up, “so glad I ran into you, I was talking to my hairdresser the other day and she’s got a niece that just graduated from veterinarian school.

“She’s a doctor, Griffin. You’re going to be a lawyer and she’s an animal doctor. I think it’s a perfect match.”

“Good morning, Mrs. Moskowitz,” I do my best to sound friendly, but of all the mornings for her setups, today is not the day. “It’s nice of you to think of me, but I’m not dating right now.” It’s the answer I’ve always given her, but today it has the added complication that I’m married.

“You’ve got to get out there. You’re a handsome young man with so much to offer. It can be scary, but you have to take the leap at some point.”

She has no idea what kind of leap I took last night.

“Soon,” I tell her, hoping it’s enough to placate her and end the conversation. “I’ve got to help Sophie.” I motion to my apartment door and start to unlock it. “She’s going to LA for a student conference and final project submission.”

My change of topic does nothing to dissuade her mission to find me a girlfriend. Too late, Mrs. Moskowitz, I’ve already got a wife.

“I’ll give her your number.” She waves me on, yet keeps talking. “Did you know women call men these days? It’s a thing.”

I nod, thinking of Emma.They also propose marriage.

“Okay. Bye, Mrs. Moskowitz.”

I shut the door behind me and for a moment relish in the quiet of my apartment.

A second later, Sophie comes racing into the living room. She’s lugging a suitcase in one hand and wielding a spatula in the other.

“Hey.” I toe off my shoes and arrange them neatly by the front door.