Shit!I wanted to believe that wasn’t the reason he’d run out of here in the middle of the night, but itwasthe most reasonable explanation.

He wants me to trust him.

Well, I had trusted him until he pulled this disappearing act.

It was a bit much to ask a woman to blindly trust him when he was leaving the house after three in the morning without giving her a single explanation.

Something brief would have been fine.

He could have explained more later.

I released a tremulous sigh and swiped the tears from my face.

I probably shouldn’t have implied that I thought he was going to see another woman.

It was an old insecurity that didn’t belong in my current relationship. Wyatt had never given me any other reason not to trust him, and he was usually the most thoughtful man I’d ever met.

We’d talk about this incident like adults.

I trusted that he cared about me enough not to hurt me intentionally, but I was going to struggle with this issue until he gave me a reasonable explanation.

I definitely wasn’t the kind of woman who could put up with mysterious disappearances all the time from a guy I cared about and was committed to in a monogamous relationship.

There’s nothing I can do about it right now. He’s obviously not coming back, and I won’t see him for almost a week.

I was about to get up to turn off the bedroom light and try to get a few more hours of sleep when Xena came into the bedroom whining like she’d lost her favorite toy.

Poor girl.

I scooped her up and brought her onto the bed with me.

She snuffled, licked my face, and then settled down beside me.

Xena usually preferred to sleep downstairs with her comfy bed and her favorite blanket. She liked having space to switch rooms or positions when she felt like it at night.

She rarely came upstairs, even though she was a younger Frenchie and could easily navigate her way up the stairs if she wanted.

I laid down beside her and snuggled the dog close to me.

Obviously, she was just as unhappy as I was about Wyatt leaving in a rush.

When he went downstairs, Wyatt always made time to give Xena her dose of affection.

It had probably confused the poor canine when he’d left so abruptly.

“I know exactly how you feel, sweetie,” I muttered as I petted Xena. “Maybe we’ll forgive him later, okay? He could have a perfectly good explanation for being a jerk.”

God, I really, really hoped he had a good explanation.

Or…maybe he wouldn’t.

But for now, I had to give him the benefit of the doubt, even if things looked incredibly suspect at the moment.

The dog licked my face one more time, grunted her agreement, and then settled down to sleep.

“Please don’t hurt me, Wyatt,” I murmured to myself as I closed my eyes and tried to relax. “I’m not sure I can handle it.”

It wasn’t like I hadn’t known my share of heartbreak in the past, but I was afraid that I might never recover from this one if it happened.