She still did.
The last thing she needed was a big guy like me manhandling her.
I strode across the room and took Shelby’s hand possessively. “The tour is over. Later, Marshall.”
“Later, Wyatt,” Marshall said, his tone amused. “Thanks for the cookies.”
I gritted my teeth because I knew the older man was trying to needle the hell out of me.
I let Shelby and I out past the security measures in place.
Once we were outside, she said, “God, he’s really hot. He’s nothing like I pictured, I guess. You said he was medically retired years ago. I guess I envisioned someone older and pretty fearsome. He’s also really…nice.”
“He is older,” I informed her stiffly. “He’s still a legend in the military, even though he did medically retire years ago. And he’s not…hot.”
She shrugged. “I think he is, and he’s notthatold. Maybe early to mid-fifties, he’s in great shape, and he’s got that gruff, mysterious kind of aura about him. I mean,I’mnot physically attracted to him. I don’t want to jump his bones or anything because I’ve already got the only man I want, but he is attractive. I’m surprised that he doesn’t have a woman he wants to spend time with on a Saturday.”
I relaxed because Shelby had just stroked my ego enough to curb my jealousy.
Hell, I’d really never thought about Marshall’s love life, but… “As long as I’ve known him, I don’t think he’s ever had a real date or a woman in his life. He’s fond of Harlow’s mom, but I don’t think that went anywhere romantically. As far as I know, they’re just friends. He destroyed his leg during an op, which is why he had to retire.”
Shelby shrugged. “So what if he has a limp? He is obviously a highly intelligent, attractive older man, and he’s dedicated his life to helping people.”
We stopped at the truck, and instead of opening her door, I put one hand on each side of her body and backed her up against the vehicle. “I’m a little envious of the fact that he got your cookies,” I rumbled, only half joking.
I didn’t put my arms around her for fear of crushing her ribs, but she sent me a sensual smile and wrapped her arms around my neck as she purred, “Do you really think I didn’t keep some at home for you? I baked a lot of cookies. I’ve been more than a little frustrated lately.”
I swooped down and captured her plump, irresistible lips, and I had one hell of a time not letting the embrace get heated.
The damn physical chemistry between the two of us was always there, even though there was so much more to our relationship than just my desire to fuck her until she begged for mercy.
I needed her, and I’d been fighting the desire to get inside her gorgeous body for so damn long that I felt like I was going to lose it.
She’d made me crazy from the very beginning, and she still did, except it was even more intense now because I worshipped the ground this woman walked on.
It took an almost superhuman effort to raise my head, step back, and open her door.
Compartmentalize, Durand. Compartmentalize. Shelby’s health and well-being come before your dick.
As I closed her door and moved toward the driver’s side of the truck, I knew I was losing my supposed legendary ability to keep my emotions in check.
If I didn’t pull my shit together, my reasoning ability was going to war with my caveman instincts, and I wasn’t sure which one was going to end up victorious.
I’d tried subtle hints.
I’d tried suggestive comments.
Hell, I’d tried everything to get Wyatt to tear my clothes off.
I’d even tried to wear something prettier than my normal jeans and a top for my tour of Last Hope headquarters today, and nothing was working.
Did I really have to bang Wyatt on the head to make him realize that I wanted him, and that I was more than ready to beg him to fuck me senseless?
Throughout my recovery, our emotional connection had grown deeper, even stronger than it had been before.
I was so crazy in love with him that I could hardly breathe, but the way he kept backing away from me was driving me insane.