Wyatt frowned. “You’re hurting. I’ll get you something for the pain.”
I shook my head as I leaned my head against his shoulder again. “I’m okay. I just have to remember that some movements don’t work well with beat up ribs. All I wanted was to kiss you.”
He moved slowly, and I moved my head.
Wyatt shifted his massive body until he’d turned himself around and he was facing me.
His beautiful gray eyes were swirling with emotion when they met my gaze.
He tipped my chin up with a light touch of his finger, and slowly lowered his head.
The kiss was gentle and light, but there were so many emotions in that simple touching of our lips that it moved me.
Everything a woman could savor when she wasn’t capable of a passionate embrace.
All of the emotions that proved that there was so much more than just a physical attraction between us.
Wyatt and I were connected, even when I looked like a train wreck physically.
“Better?” he asked huskily when he’d lifted his lips from mine.
“Much better. I think I needed that,” I told him as I watched him turn around again so he was next to me.
That kiss had gone a long way toward wiping away the memories of Ted trying to assault me.
Wyatt threaded his hand into my hair carefully and nudged my head against his shoulder again, gently stroking my scalp in a comforting motion.
“Don’t you guys usually have nicknames when you’re on a special forces team?” I questioned.
He shrugged. “We did. We dropped them when we got back into the civilian world. We were ready to live normal lives, and assimilate back into the nonmilitary world. That’s not easy to do when your friends still call you by a nickname. Brock’s nickname was Eagle. It would be an odd name for a civilian.”
“What was yours?” I asked curiously.
“Arctic,” he answered readily.
Arctic? Really?
“Why? There must be a reason for that one.”
“There is,” he told me. “I didn’t have a nickname going into Delta, so I got the name Arctic because I could always direct a mission unemotionally and logically, even when everything turned into a shitshow. I had a talent for compartmentalizing, even when a mission went to hell. To some extent, I still have that ability except when I’m with you. You’re one hell of a distraction.”
“And you think you’re not?” I said with mock indignation. “I had absolutely no problem avoiding sex or relationships until I met a very hot, very irresistible man who was impossible to ignore. You annoyed the hell out of me in the beginning, but I still wanted to tear your clothes off.”
I was running out of energy, and I suddenly yawned. The hypnotic motion of Wyatt’s fingers rubbing my scalp were getting to me.
“You’re more than welcome to do that anytime you want as soon as you’re completely recovered,” he said hoarsely.
My lips turned up slowly as my eyes grew heavy.
I didn’t answer, but I fell asleep with a smile on my face.