The good news was that she’s been having contractions all morning. They grew more consistent as the morning went along, and Alexis kept track of them on her phone. She waited to tell Blake until they were closer together, knowing her worried wife would immediately rush her to the hospital.
If she hadn’t been having twins, Alexis would have opted to give birth at home again. Harper’s birth had been the most surreal experience of her life. Alexis expected it to be an awful amount of pain, and while it hurt like a bitch, she was more amazed that her body knew exactly what to do. Vera and Sophia were there when Harper was born, with Sophia delivering her with Vera’s guidance. She hoped the twin’s birth would be as beautiful an experience as that had been.
Another contraction pulled her from her memories. She grabbed onto the nearby pillow on the couch and squeezed. Blake jumped up from her seat on the recliner and was instantly at her side.
“What’s wrong? Is that a contraction?”
Alexis could only nod through the pain. Once it finally passed, Alexis noticed her pants were soaked. Blake must have noticed too because she looked down then back up at Alexis with a borderline horrified look on her face.
“Was that…”
“Yup,” Alexis nodded, “my water just broke.”
“Oh my God. Okay. It’s happening.” Blake started pacing the floor as Alexis scooted to the edge of the couch and tried to stand. “I’ll call Vera. No, wait. Let me get Sophia first. Oh, and Emily can watch Harper.”
“Blake, relax. It’s okay. I've been having contractions on and off all day.”
“And you didn’t tell me?” she shrieked.
Alexis laughed. “I knew you’d act like this.”
“I’m going to get Sophia. Wait here and keep your legs closed.”
“Okay.” She firmly nodded as Blake ran across the hall. Blake’s almost comical reaction was exactly how Alexis had imagined it would happen.
Picking up her cell phone, she called Vera who answered on the first ring.
“Is it baby time?”
“It’s baby time. My water just broke and I’ve been having contractions on and off all day.”
“Well, get your ass to the hospital and let’s meet those babies. I’ll see you there, sweetie.” Vera paused. “And have Sophia drive you, not Blake.”
“Way ahead of you there.”
Hanging up the phone, Alexis waddled into Harper’s room where she was watching TV.
“Hey, baby girl. Guess what?”
“The babies are coming?” She jumped up from the floor where she was playing with her action figures.
“They are! So Aunt Emmy is going to watch you while Mama and I go to the hospital, okay?”
“But I wanna go with you.”
“I know you do, sweetie, but there’s going to be a lot going on and you’ll have more fun with Emmy. But after the babies are born, Emmy will bring you to the hospital to meet them, okay?”
She looked dejected and it broke Alexis’s heart. They had gone back and forth about Harper being there for the delivery but ultimately decided it was something she wouldn’t be ready for. Besides, the delivery room would be full enough as it was. Alexis knew there'd be more nurses involved since there were twins and had mentally prepared herself for the audience.
Taking Harper’s hand, Alexis walked with her back into the living room where Blake, Sophia, and Emily were waiting. Harper gave Blake and Alexis a hug before they left for the hospital.
The usual ten-minute drive felt much longer as she contracted again in the back of the car. She could feel the baby pressing down as the pressure increased.
“Oh, baby. Hang on.”
“You better not be having that baby in my car.”