Page 31 of Always & Forever

Slowly sitting on the couch, Alexis let out a long sigh. She rubbed her stomach and smiled up at Blake.

“I love these babies and want them to stay in as long as they need. But I swear if I don’t have them soon I will go crazy.”

Blake laughed and propped Alexis’s feet up on the coffee table. “Three more weeks. That’s the magic number.”

“I don’t know how I can keep them in for three more weeks. I already don’t know how my body has made this much room for them.” She gestured at her stomach and laughed. “God, I can’t even laugh because it hurts.”

“It’ll all be worth it soon, I promise.”

“With Harper, I was working until my water broke.”

“I know.”

“It just sucks to not be able to do anything. I feel helpless.”

“Well, enjoy it now because once those babies pop out it’s all over.” Blake winked, letting her know she was teasing.

“Just so you know,” Alexis smiled, “you’re carrying the next time.”


Leaning down, Blake kissed her. All the stress melted away at the simple touch. It reminded Blake that they could and would overcome anything in life together. She had no doubt about that.

“You know that’s how you two got into this mess,” Sophia laughed as she let herself into the apartment. She had brought them lunch; sub sandwiches from the looks of it. Blake took them from her as Sophia sat next to Alexis. “How are you feeling, Lex?”


“Well, I can see that.” Sophia teased. “You’ve already dropped some.”

“Baby boy is in a -3 station,” Blake commented confidently from the kitchen. She put the two sandwiches onto plates and carried them to the living room.

“I don’t remember what that means.”

“He’s in my pelvic bone, so labor is close.”

“Well, for your sake, thank God.”

“Amen to that.” Alexis rested the plate on her stomach and took a bite of the sandwich. “Oh my God.Thisis what I’ve been craving.”

Sophia had driven to Portland to pick up Alexis’s request for lunch. She’d requested a Philly cheesesteak sub from a small shop in the city and, of course, Sophia went without any questions to get it.

“I’m glad.” Sophia leaned back on the couch, kicked her shoes off, and pulled her feet up under her. “So, I’ve talked to everyone and they’re all on board for the baby shower and housewarming party combo the second weekend in August.”

“Oh, perfect.”

Instead of a transitional baby shower during the pregnancy, they had asked their friends to postpone the event until they moved into their new home. That way they didn’t have to move more stuff than they already had.

“I talked to my mom last night.”

The statement from Alexis surprised both Sophia and Blake. Alexis wasn’t close to her parents—never had been. But a couple of years ago her and her mother made amends in their own way. After her father's death a little over a year ago, Alexis’s mother moved to Florida to live with her sister. They still spoke occasionally; maybe once to twice a month. Alexis had sent her pictures of the ultrasounds to keep her involved, since she seemed to want to be.

“She’s going to try and come to the party.”

“Lex, that’s great. Why didn’t you tell me you talked to her?”

“Well, it was just a few texts.” She shrugged as if it were no big deal, but they knew otherwise. “She asked how I was doing and how the babies were doing. I promised we’d FaceTime her once they’re born.”

“Of course we will.” Blake smiled. “I’m glad you two are getting along.”