Page 29 of Always & Forever

“Deal,” Alexis giggled. “I love you.”

Blake leaned down and kissed her forehead. “I love you, too.”

“I love you all, too,” Mason chimed in from her seat with a bemused look on her face. “I’m glad you’re here, Blake.”

The two sisters hugged and held onto each other tightly. They stayed that way for a few minutes until Vera knocked softly on the door.

“Just coming in to check on you all before I head home.” She pulled Blake into a quick hug. “Glad you’re here, sweetie.”

“Me, too.” Blake stood by the bed, holding on to Alexis’s hand, as Mason sat down at the foot of the bed. “So, everything is okay, right?”

“It is,” she smiled sweetly at them. “We got the contractions stopped and gave her some drugs that will help the babies lungs develop, just in case.”

“Just in case what?”

“Just in case we have to deliver them early.”

“Is that a possibility?” Blake was scared; Alexis could see it in her eyes and hear it in her voice. It was the same emotions she’d had hours ago hearing the same news.

“With multiples, anything is possible. But right now, that’s not a concern I have. Honestly. Alexis is in great health and the babies are doing great. I’m sure she’s told you, but we put her on bed rest until the babies are born. And she’s on pelvic rest too.”

“Pelvic rest?” Alexis, Blake, and Mason all asked in unison. It was something new that Alexis hadn’t heard yet. Mason asked the question they were all thinking. “What is that?”

“Something you could never do, sweetie.” Vera placed a hand on Mason's shoulder. “It’s vaginal rest. Nothing needs to be in there until the babies are out.” She directed the words toward Blake. “You hear me?”

“Loud and clear,” Blake laughed.

“We don’t need a repeat of today.”

“Yeah, because I thought for a minute I would be delivering these babies myself.”

“Oh, stop it, Mace. It wasn’t that bad.” She tried to play it off, not wanting to worry Blake any more than she already knew she was. “It was a few contractions, I was nowhere near pushing.”

“Because that’s when the ripping can happen and that’s when I’m out.”

“I can’t deal with you.” Vera rolled her eyes and kissed the top of Mason’s head. “Okay, everything looks good here, so I’m going home for the night but I’ll be back first thing tomorrow. As long as things still look good, I don’t have a problem sending you home tomorrow afternoon. Blake, I told Alexis, but I’ll tell you too. The stairs to the apartment are fine for her to walk up and down every now and then, but I’d really like her to not go up and down a lot.”

“I’ll keep her in bed. Don’t worry.”

“I know you will. I’ll see you all tomorrow. Love you all.”

After Vera left, Mason looked at her phone. “I should probably get going. It’s late and you need rest.”

“You can stay,” Alexis shrugged, “if you want.”

She didn’t know why she was suggesting that when Mason lived maybe ten minutes away from the hospital and probably wanted to sleep in her own bed. But Alexis felt they had almost trauma bonded after the day’s events.

“How about I come back in the morning and help Blake get you home?”

“Sounds great.”

After Mason left, Blake sat on the edge of the bed and put her hand on Alexis’s stomach. “I don’t think I’ve ever been as scared as I was today.”


“I never should have taken that meeting.”

“Blake Calloway-Holland, stop it. You’re not beating yourself up over this. None of this was your fault, just like none of it was my fault. But everything’s okay now and that’s all that matters.”