Page 23 of Always & Forever

“No, I think I got it,” Blake laughed. She rolled her shoulders as if to get back into the mood.

Alexis was thankful; she needed Blake to touch her. Moving to the edge of the bed, Alexis spread her legs for Blake as she got on her knees. They'd found it was their easiest position, factoring in Alexis's ever-expanding stomach.

Thankfully, Blake didn't waste any time this time around. Her fingers intertwined with Alexis's on the bed as her other hand reached her wet center. Blake pumped her fingers in and out while her thumb toyed with Alexis's clit. Alexis squeezed Blake's hand as she felt her orgasm starting to build. She moaned loudly, which seemed to inspire Blake to go harder. Her rhythmic motion increased until Alexis felt herself ready to explode.

“Oh, Blake. Yes! Right there.”

“I know,” Blake coyly smiled up at her. “I got you.”

Alexis grabbed the sheets with her free hand as the orgasm crashed into her. She expected Blake to ease up; to let her relish in the blissful orgasm. But Blake seemed to have other plans. Her tongue sucked on her clit as she kept pumping her fingers in and out. Alexis wasn't sure how much more she could take. Her legs started to shake and her vision blurred as the second orgasm came in as hot as the first.

“Blake, fuck!” she cried ecstatically as she rode out the orgasm. By the time Blake climbed onto the bed beside her, Alexis was breathless. “You got over your fear really quick.”

“You're welcome.”

“God,” Alexis breathlessly laughed, “you haven't given me back-to-back ones like that in a long time.”

“I'll admit it was some of my best work.”

Alexis rolled over onto her side and looked into Blake's blue eyes. “I love you.”

“I love you, too.”

“You want to know how much I love you?”

Blake's eyebrow arched slightly. “How much?”

Sliding her hand down past the band of Blake's boxer briefs, Alexis showed her how much she loved her.

Chapter 8


It was 2023 and Blake had no idea why she was waiting at the post office with a literal printed script to send off to a director. She’d been able to email every other director, but the last one wanted a physical copy. That meant Blake and Harper had spent their Saturday morning going from the office supply store to print the script, to the post office to mail it. Harper sighed beside her.

“I thought you said we were going to get breakfast?”

“We will as soon as we’re done here. I promise.”

Another sigh.

Blake felt her frustration. The post office apparently only had one employee working on Saturday morning and their current customer had a load of packages to ship. It wasn’t like she didn’t have a list of errands she needed to run or anything.

She and Harper had left Alexis asleep at home to have a mother-daughter breakfast together. They had been trying to do more with Harper so she didn’t feel left out with the babies expecting to arrive in only a few months. Alexis was determined to make it to thirty-seven weeks, which means she had just over three months to go. So far she’d had no complications and the babies were developing perfectly.

The only hiccup was their housing situation. They had tried to find a house that worked for them, but the housing inventory in the Cove was low. Which was why Blake and Alexis had decided to build a home on Isla and Vera’s land. It all seemed to fall perfectly into place once they found the perfect architect who drew up the plans for their dream home and the contractor was getting to work on building their dream home by November.

That was all the good news. The bad news was the house wouldn’t be ready until after the babies were born, barring any more unforeseen setbacks. Blake had paid the construction crew extra to have it done in a timely manner without cutting corners. So far, everything had relatively stayed on schedule and they would hopefully be moved into their new home by Thanksgiving. They’d just have to survive the ever-shrinking apartment until then.

Alexis had already packed several boxes of Harper’s old toys and clothes and stored them in Isla’s garage. They’d rearranged the furniture in their bedroom to accommodate a crib, but Blake didn’t know where they’d put them after the babies outgrew it. That was a bridge they’d have to cross whenever they got there.

“Next,” the postal worker called out to Blake. She quickly got her script sent off and bought Harper some stamps for her collection. “Thank you.”


Taking Harper’s hand, they walked down Main Street to Carlson’s Cafe. It had become a Saturday morning hangout spot for her and Harper since Alexis had no interest in breakfast these days. Although her morning sickness had been gone for weeks, she preferred to eat toast more than anything. On the other hand, Blake and Harper loved the huge breakfast they could get at Carlson’s.

As soon as they walked into the cafe, Maggie Carlson saw them and made a beeline for them.