“Okay, well,” Blake looked over her shoulder at Mason, “I guess we can play video games or something if you want before you call Chase.”
Mason pumped her hands up in the air. “LEGOStar Wars!”
“I guess we’re playing LEGOStar Wars.Thanks for taking care of Lex.”
“Anytime,” Sophia smiled and returned to reading her book.
Heading across the hall to her apartment, Blake found Mason sitting on the floor in front of the TV with the video game loading and two beers on the coffee table. She said a prayer of thanks that she could reunite with her sister before joining Mason on the floor.
Chapter 7
The doctor's office had become Alexis’s second home. For the past six months, Alexis had found herself laying on a paper sheet on an exam table with her pants off more times than she could count. At least the last few visits had been more exciting now that the babies were involved. And this time they’d find out the sex of the babies.
Alexis shivered as Vera squirted the gel onto her stomach.
“Okay,” Vera smiled, “are you ready?”
“More than ready.”
“Yup!” Harper chimed in from her now regular spot on the swivel chair near Vera.
“Me three.” Blake was standing by Alexis’s side, holding tightly onto her hand. “Although I’m pretty sure I already know.”
“Oh, really?” Vera teased. “I hate to tell you, but I think Harper and I are right. One of each.”
“No way, two boys.”
“You can be wrong, just like your mother.” Just like Blake, Isla also had her bets on it being two boys.
“Okay,” Alexis laughed, “we’ve had twenty weeks to debate. Now let’s find out I’m right and it’s two girls.”
“You’re gonna be wrong, Mommy.” Harper’s sly grin resembled the Grinch's when he hatched his plan to stop Christmas.
“So, how are you feeling?”
“Good so far. The babies love bouncing on my bladder so I’m always running to the bathroom. I can feel them both moving every now and then.”
“That all sounds right now at twenty weeks.” Vera turned the screen toward Alexis and Blake. “They both look great. Heartbeats are great, all measurements are right where we expect for twins. Baby B is already sitting low in your pelvis, so that’s probably why you feel the increased need to urinate.”
“That’s Luke.” Harper firmly nodded. “Baby B is Luke.”
“Oh, yes, I’m sorry, Harper. I forgot.” Vera winked at Alexis. “So, are you ready for the genders?”
“You already know?” Blake squinted at the screen. “How can you tell?”
“Well, considering I’m looking at theirheadsright now, I can’t. But they both seem to be in a position I think we can see.”
Turning the screen back away from Alexis and Blake, Vera smirked.
“Harper and I will be the first to know.”
Alexis wanted to laugh, but she knew it would lead to peeing herself. Instead, she smiled up at Blake. Blake looked down at her with such love and happiness that Alexis had to remind herself that she wasn’t dreaming. She was really at the doctor having an ultrasound on her twins as the woman of her dreams stood beside her. Happiness was an understatement.
Vera whispered something in Harper’s ears which made her gasp.