Page 75 of Boss's Fake Wife

But then knowing it and feeling it were two completely different things because even just thinking about leaving her made me feel like ripping something apart.

I felt like I wanted her to be safe and should give her up to ensure that. But would I be satisfied with just looking out for her from afar and never being able to get close to her? What if she chose to keep the kid? Would I be okay not being in his or her life? Letting him or her call someone else ‘Dad’?


I turned to regard her and noticed her eyes gleaming in the dark. The words didn’t come.

Instead, I leaned forward and kissed her.

A tremulous devotion awoke in me at that moment, the sensations enhanced by the feelings I just accepted. Her lips tasted like strawberries and surprise, and I swallowed her taste as I lifted her and walked her over to the couch.

“I love you,” I whispered against her neck, and she squirmed, a whispered gasp leaving her mouth. Her sounds did crazy things to my insides, and the way she held me, fingernails scoring my back, made me even crazier.

I wanted more, and I held her down as I tasted every bit of her skin, pulling off her clothes gradually. I wanted her more than I’d ever wanted anybody in my life, and I knew she wanted me too.

By the time I went there and smelled her desire, I knew the truth in my heart.

“From today, you’re mine.” The words flowed from me like a faucet, raspy with the intensity of my feelings. “Truly and irrevocably mine.”

There was nothing that could drag me away from her now. I’d always been a selfish man, and even though I knew I should stay away for her good, I didn’t see myself sticking to that.

She was mine.

I licked and tasted her, and she moaned loudly, her thighs grasping my head as I ate her out. As her taste flowed down my tongue and I greedily lapped for more, I grasped my cock and pumped. Because lord knew that tasting her and hearing her pleasure already had me on the edge of ecstasy.

We came together with my mouth on her pussy and her cries in my ears.

* * *

The bangingof the door interrupted our nap, and instinct had me flying out of bed before Emily. She was a little slower, getting up groggily and glancing around her. “What—what’s happening?”

“Someone is trying to break down the door, “ I told her, slipping on my trousers and heading to the window to glance out of it.


“That’s what I’m trying to find out,” I said. I turned to see she was struggling to get my shirt on, so I told her, “Get dressed and stay hidden. There’s a panic room in the back. The password is 2478. Stay in there until one of my people come for you.”

“What?” Her eyes were wide, but I didn’t have time to explain further. My priority right now was to keep her safe. Whoever had come for me might get me, but I would kill them all before they got to her.

“Get to the panic room,” I told her, and the expression on my face had her jumping into action.

I grabbed my gun from the side table and cocked it before approaching the living room, ready for anything.

“Police!” the people on the other side of the door yelled. “Open up.”


All of a sudden, the door exploded open with a shattering smash.

Everything happened so quickly. I didn’t fire off a shot, knowing they likely wouldn’t kill me, and about half a dozen men dashed in through the door, training their guns at me.

I recognized the one standing in front, seemingly leading them. It was Emily’s ex. Angel.

“We’re the FBI,” he said. “You’re under arrest for murder.”

“What’s the meaning of this?” I asked coolly.

“We know what you did last night, buddy.” His eyes spat hatred at me. “You lured Frederick Morano to town and killed him in your motel room, leaving behind your DNA and several other items of clothing. Do you have something to say about that?”