Page 54 of Boss's Fake Wife

And I didn’t know why I trusted him so much when it had taken me much longer to trust anyone else, but I was starting to accept that I did.

The only thing that made me nervous was that Angel was getting impatient and doubtful of my lies.

“He’s meeting with one of his gang and possibly planning something,” I said to Angel today.

“Who is it?” he asked.

“I don’t know, but I can find out.”

“Don’t know, don’t know. Every day, you don’t know. How is it possible that you never know what the fuck is going on in his life when you’ve gone as far as living with the bastard?”

Asshole. Lately, Angel never even kept up the pretense that he cared about me. He never asked how I was doing or how I was even dealing with this entire thing. All he cared about was catching his perp. He didn’t give a damn if I was collateral damage.

I couldn’t believe I thought I loved the guy.

And I couldn’t help but compare him with Chris. I knew the latter was using me too, but he always checked in on me and made sure I was protected. He’d even offered to have Ferro guard me in case the Moranos came to town, even as he assured me he was following their movements closely. Angel hadn’t even bothered to assign a guard for me throughout this whole mission, not wanting to put any cops on the case because, as he said, “The Jordansen bastard can smell FBI a mile away.”

“I’m sorry,” I told him now. “Look, I’ll try harder and have something for you next week. Trust me. I want to be out of this hellhole as much as you want to catch the guy.”

Angel sighed and hung up. I knew he was getting impatient, and I knew we needed to do something quickly before he came to Philly himself.

I explained as much to Chris when we had dinner that night.

“We need to give him something,” I said. “A least a name. My excuses aren’t working anymore, and we need to give him something, or he’s going to come looking himself.”

Chris shook his head. “Can’t give any names.”

I sighed tiredly. “I’m serious, Chris. He’s sending the full force of the FBI down here soon.”

“Yes. And they have nothing. The same way they had nothing at the beginning of the operation.”


“No names,” he stated firmly. “Period.”

Frustration bubbled up within me. I admired his loyalty to his family, but it was going to get us both in trouble.

I was mad enough to try to give him the silent treatment, but that only lasted for a whole five minutes.

“Why are you being so stubborn?” I asked him. “You don’t even like your family, and they’re the ones getting you in trouble. They’re using you as a cover for all their crimes.”

“Doesn’t mean I want them to end up in jail. And there’s still my brother to think of.”

“So what are we going to do?”

He merely shrugged. “I’ll think of something.”

“Well, I sure hope you think fast. If not, we are in for a lot of trouble,” I said, shaking my head in response.

The first hitch in our plans came a little later in the third week.

Chris had left for work, and for some reason, I got an idea in my head to go through his study. I knew he sometimes did work in here, and I thought I might find something minor to give Angel hope. Maybe not something incriminating about Chris himself, but maybe something about his family. Anything that would keep Angel off our backs.

I didn’t find anything, to my disappointment.

His office was virtually empty of everything but long, meaningless documents.

I was so disappointed and stuck in my thoughts as I was leaving the office that I didn’t realize the front door of the apartment was open.