Page 98 of Iris

Duke’s mouth turned into a dark, solemn line. “You should have ejected him two plays earlier when he targeted one of our other players. But you missed it.”


“It’s on the tape. The Idaho safety targeted the wideout just two plays before, dislocated his shoulder. He came off the field, and Hud went in for him.”

A beat. Another. Everything hollowed out of her. She swallowed. “I…I missed a penalty?” And yes, that sounded just…lame.

“It’s on the tape. Hud used it in his lawsuit against the NCAA and the player who targeted him. They settled out of court, and he’s not allowed to talk about it, but yeah, that was definitely you on the field. If you hadn’t missed the illegal hit…” He raised a shoulder.

Hud might be playing in the NFL.

She pressed a hand to her stomach, her gorge rising. “I cost him a year of his life.”

“You cost him his entire life,” Duke said, his eyes hard on her.

Oh. No—

“Duke, c’mon. That’s a little rough. She wasn’t the one who targeted him—”

“The officials are there to keep us safe from hits—and players—like that,” Duke said.

She set her glass down, her hands shaking. “He’s right,” she said softly. “I need…I need some air.”

Aiden stepped back as she headed for the doors to the patio. But when she hit them, they were locked.

She turned, breathing hard.

And that’s when, across the room, a voice rose, and then—

A man went down, scattering across tables, breaking glass, dishware shattering on the floor.

She stilled, her body ice as Hud stepped over the man, grabbed him up by the jacket.

A nearby man hooked his arm around Hud’s raised fist.

Her mouth opened as Darren Pike scrambled to his feet, breathing hard. “You’re going to figure out that she’s not worth it. She’ll betray you too, buddy. Cost you everything.” He shook off Hud’s hand, ran his hands down his suit.

Run. The thought pulsed, coalesced, and suddenly she was pushing through the groups of men, headed for the exit.


But she ignored Hud and headed for the lobby.

He reached her just before she pushed through the circular doors.

“Let me go, Hud!” She shook away from his grip and stepped into the doors.

He stepped inside, then took one step and trapped them in the space.

“What are you doing?”

“What areyoudoing?” he practically shouted.

She stared at him, and all she could see was— “Did you know?”

He blinked at her. “That Darren Pike was going to be here? No. He’s a coach—”

“No! That I was the official who—who caused your concussion. It was my miss that—it cost you everything, Hud, just like he said.Everything.Did you know?”