Page 95 of Iris

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She could very easily lovethis man.

The sense of it had crept over Iris the last few days, watching Hud join her family. Watching him laugh with her brothers, work with her father in the vineyard, play board games, shout at the television, and even help with the dishes.

Even earlier today, when they’d been in the heated garage, in the workout space Fraser had set up for himself and maybe Pippa.

She’d been doing a kettlebell routine, some lifts, swings, then simple bridges and squats when Hud came out.

He’d said nothing, just dropped onto the mat beside her and started doing pushups, plugged into his earbuds, she plugged into hers.

It’d felt easy and right and…oh, hefitinto her life.

And she didn’t know what to do with the swell of emotions. Or the fact that Fraser’s words so many days ago wouldn’t leave her alone.It’s just fear behind all that pride. It’ll make you forfeit the grace that could be yours.

She’d wanted to stiff-arm the words, the idea of her being afraid, but, well, the more Hud stuck around, the more her emotions started to churn.

Yes, she could love this man. And then where would that get her?

Especially when he’d asked her to attend the dinner with Gripe and the others from the USFL team. Never mind that the coach’s appearance had completely freaked out her brothers.

The only reason she’d agreed to Fraser’s lockdown was because the world had turned icy and cold. And tonight, she’d practically had to sneak out of the house, although Hudson had assured Fraser that he’d make sure she got home alive.

Like she might be thirteen years old.

“Fraser is driving me crazy,” she said now as she got into Hud’s rental car. She wore Uggs and a long wool coat over her black dress—the same one she’d worn to the dinner in Germany.

Hudson just looked over at her. He’d shaved, freshly showered, and smelled amazing.

So amazing that, “Are you sure you want me to go with you tonight?”

He’d already cleaned the ice off his windshield and now turned up the defrost. His breath hung in the air. “What? Yes, of course.”

“Why? Are you seriously thinking of joining the USFL?” She didn’t want to add anything to her voice that might betray an opinion.

Because if he did, gone was their conflict of interest. But he’d be in America, so maybe also gone was a chance at a future. But if he stayed in the ELF…

And maybe she was just getting ahead of herself, over her head once again. Although, he’d sneaked away more than a few times to kiss her. Once in the pantry, once in the den, and once when he’d gone outside to grab firewood, taking her with him.

Jonas had come out looking for them, so that had been embarrassing.

“No. I don’t know. Maybe.”

The sun hung low on the horizon, a golden simmer that cast fire upon the white fields. The drive into the city would take over an hour, but it was their first real getaway, something Hud had nearly forfeited when Fraser objected.

But he had contacted Coach Clay, who’d confirmed he’d gotten Iris’s address from Yannick, her boss, and no he hadn’t passed it along to anyone else. Iris had called Yannick and asked, and no, he too hadn’t told anyone else.

So maybe it was a fluke.

Besides, if the goal was to eliminate officials, she was still listed on the injured list for the game next week. Yannick had suggested not replacing her and playing with a six-man lineup for the exhibition game. But they’d need the whole crew for the Lauchtenland game—a game she fully intended to officiate.

“I’m hearing rumors that the Vikings might not renew my contract and maybe I need to have some options,” he said. “At first, I thought no. But when Gripe showed up, I thought…hear him out. Maybe. I dunno.”

She glanced at him, the glow of the dash illuminating his handsome face, that distinct jawline. “What if one of the options was to…retire?”

He drew in a breath. Swallowed. “I’ve never thought beyond football. It’s all I am, really.”

“No, it’s not. And maybe it’s time to figure out what else there is.”