Page 85 of Iris

“Alan Martin,” Fraser said. “Ziggy is pretty sure it’s him, at least.”

“Yeah. So, I dropped it off coming home from a game—right after I saw you guys in Switzerland, actually.”

“So, who was supposed to pick it up?”


“This is Titus Stadium,” said Pippa. “I’m sure of it.”

“I was there a month ago,” said Shae. “I can’t believe I didn’t recognize it.” She now stood up. “Yeah. They’ve done some remodeling though. This section here has been removed for a jumbotron. And there’s another box over here for the heads of state.” She indicated across from the royal box, on the other side of the field. “I took pictures of it for an upcoming advertising blitz for some event.”

“The NFL-ELF matchup?” Hudson said. He looked at Iris. “That’s where it is, right?”

“Yes.” She looked at Pippa. “Is there any other big event coming up there?”

“Maybe a concert? But futbol is just finishing. I think they had their last match a week ago.”

“Is your crew scheduled to officiate the game?” Jonas asked quietly.

Iris nodded.

Her mother got up, went to the coffee machine, and returned with the refilled pot. Started to fill mugs. “Imani, are your parents going to the game?”

Imani looked at the itinerary. “I think so. It’s a few weeks away?”

“Yes,” Iris said, to Hud’s echo.

“Then it’s the last event on this schedule.” She set down the paper, her finger on the date.

“Whoever is killing the officials, do you think maybe they’re hoping to shut down the game? Could be the RECO people. They couldn’t kill Imani, so they’re going after the game?”

“What do you mean, kill Imani?”

“There was man named Konrad Vogel who was killed after an attempt on Imani’s life.”

“He’s the guy who shot me,” Creed said. “Fraser took him out.”

“Actually, Pippa shot him,” Fraser said.

“Vogel,”Hud said, then cast a look at Ned. “Werner Vogel was the player who took out Iris.”

“He did nottake me out.”

“I was there. You were out, Iris,” Hud said.

She held up a hand. “Okay, so back up. The guy who tackled me was related to the man who shot Creed?”

“Maybe,” Pippa said. “I’ll ask Gunner, the head of our security. He’s still trying to piece together the shooting. His brother, Fredrik, is a RECOist, so maybe they can get information out of him.”

“What is RECO?”

“It’s the anti-monarchy group in Lauchtenland,” Fraser said.

“Hamish Fickle, is an MP aligned with the RECO Party and is our liaison to the delegates of the North Sea Coalition. The RECO party is pushing the country to join with the hopes that by doing so they’ll get the protection of Great Britain, the US, and eventually NATO through other various connected treaties.”

“I don’t understand,” their mother said. She’d sat back down, holding her cup with her hands. Iris might have been imagining it, but it seemed like her mother’s hands trembled a little. Well, Iris was trembling on the inside, so maybe that was fair.

“Konrad Vogel was the son of the man who killed my father,” Pippa said. “My father died protecting the Crown from the RECO faction. They thought that by bringing terror into the country, it would make the monarchy back down. Now they’re hoping that they’ll look for help.”