Page 76 of Iris

“Oh, please, please don’t make me laugh.”

But the thought added to Zach’s words, settled into her bones.

What if…

No, it couldn’t work. She met Shae’s eyes.

“Don’t say it. You don’t know until you try,” Shae said.

“What does that even look like? We live in differentcountries.”

“What are you talking about? You guys fly around Europe as if you have commuter jets.”

“It’s more than that, Shae. I don’t…I don’t date football players, for one. And for two, I…I don’t have room in my life for a…relationship. I travel all the time, and I…I just don’t…”

What? The answer pulsed from deep inside her.

Shae just blinked at her. “None of that makes sense.”

“It does if—”

The front door knob rattled, and for a second, Hud’s words rushed back to Iris.I’m talking about the hit that is still out on Iris, and she’s completely ignoring it…

Maybe a house out in the country wasn’t exactly the right hideout.

She froze.

The door opened.

Ned came in first, and Shae was up, running.

Hud scooted in behind him.

And inside, Iris was also, crazily, running. Also throwing her arms and legs around the man, kissing him.

Okay, maybe not like Shae, but at least she was…

Aw, who was she kidding? Because the sight of him, walking in, sucking all the air out of the room with his presence, just made her want to hold on to him.

Just like she had in the cave.

Oh, she was in big trouble.

Because she didn’t hold on to anyone, thank you. Not even her family.

But maybe Hud didn’t know that—and why would he? She’d done nothing but hold on to him since…well, since he’d needed her in Athens.

And then she’d needed him right back, at least for a bit and—

“You left the hospital.”

Her eyes widened. “Zach picked us up. I…”

He pushed away the coffee table and knelt in front of her, those blue eyes in hers. Even on his knees, he was taller than her. “Are you okay?”

She managed to nod. “Are you?”

He drew in a breath. Glanced behind him.