Page 110 of Iris

“What kind of game is it?”

“It’s a fake game.”

“What, they’ll be wearing flags?” Shae set her weekender bag on her queen bed.

“No. But the Admirals aren’t even an ELF team. They were in the World League of Football years ago, but that went down, and they’ve been trying to build a team since then. This game is sort of a tryout of the rebooted team, an audition to play in the ELF. They want to see how many fans show up and how well they play. But it’s liable to be a sloppy game.”

“And you’re worried about getting hit?”

Iris frowned at her. “No, I’m worried about mymom.”

Shae held up a hand. “Of course you are. But your dad—and the ER—said that it was just low blood sugar.”

Iris unzipped her bag. “I know. I’m just worried it’s something more serious.”

Shae came over to her. Turned her by her shoulders. “Your dad would tell you if it was. And you can’t stop anything by worrying.”

Iris just looked at her. “I don’t get you. You’re held prisoner on a gulag ship in the Bering Sea and you’re all ‘don’t worry, be happy’?” She sang the last words.

Shae laughed. “No. But what happened, happened. And I lived. And Ned lived. And…I guess I’m so glad to be free that I’m just refusing to let the nightmares win. It’s one thing to be set free, another thing to walk in that freedom every day. If I let the past win, then am I really free? I’m ordering room service. Want anything?”

She let go of Iris and headed to the desk. “So, are you going to talk to Hudson?”

Iris had carried her toiletry bag into the bathroom. Now, she stuck her head out. “Um—”

“Because you’re both here, and I was thinking…you know.” She looked up. “The waffles look good.”

Iris just stared at her. Took a breath.If he wants you, he won’t give up.Sibba’s words, and she hated how much she wanted them to be true.

A knock came at their door, and Shae walked over, looked through the peephole, then grabbed the door handle and flung it open. “Ned!”

He stepped into the room and swept her up. Iris exited to the bathroom, closed the door, and stared at the mirror.

Okay, maybe she should at least tell him she was in town.Let God be in charge of your heart, and He will surprise you.

She blew out a breath, then picked up her phone. Opened her chat app.

Stared at it.

You choose the comfort of the known instead of the freedom of trusting God.

She closed her eyes.

Her phone rumbled in her grip. Yannick.

Are you here yet? Meeting in the lobby in ten.

She washed her face, pulled back her hair, and walked out of the bathroom.

Ned was seated on the desk chair, Shae on the bed, her legs crossed. He looked up as Iris walked out, and got up. “Hey, sis.”

“Glad to see you’re in one piece.” She hugged him. “Everything go okay?”

He nodded. “Mission goal achieved.”

“You found the caesium-137?”

He looked at Shae.