Page 77 of Iris

Ned had disappeared with Shae into the kitchen.

He looked back at Iris. “Not even a little.”

And then he kissed her. Just leaned in, his mouth against hers, urgent, almost a little desperate.


She was so stunned she barely responded, and by the time she caught up, he was breaking the kiss, leaning back.

And she didn’t know what possessed her—maybe the craziness of the past two weeks, the trauma of today, or the very real sense that suddenly…

She wasn’t alone, whether she liked it or not.

And right now, hurt and tired on the sofa, she liked it.

So, before he could fully pull away, she leaned in and kissed him back. Hooked one finger in the lapel of his jacket, tugging a little.

And he was right back in the game, a little sound deep in his chest, kissing her hard at first, then slowing them down a little as he cradled her face in his big, wide-receiver hands, turning their kiss languid and delicious.

He was a crazy mix of tough and tender, sweet and scary, powerful and passionate, confusing and yet calming.

Exactly perfect.

At least for the moment. He tasted of the night, smelled of strength and power, and with him, she felt…safe. Right. She settled into the kiss, her heart slowing, and she heard her own sound, one that surprised her.

He pulled away, searched her eyes. Swallowed.

Yeah, her too. She caught her lower lip in her teeth. What. Were. Theydoing?

It seemed Hud didn’t have an answer either—just kept staring at her, as if taking her in.

Then, from the kitchen, “You guys about done?”

Her eyes widened, and Hud let her go, used the coffee table to hop to his feet. “Um.” He ran a hand behind his neck.

Shae came out, holding Ned’s hand, grinning.

Ned was smiling too.

Whatever. Iris ignored him. “What did you guys find out about Vogel?”

Ned’s smile vanished. He glanced at Hudson, made a face.

“What?” Iris said, looking at Hud.

He turned too. “So, there might have been a small snafu. I think it’s probably best if we all leave the country as soon as we can.”

She stilled. “Leave…the country? Um…where are we going?”

* * *

She might never sleep again.

Jenny stood in the living room, the room softly lit by the snow peeling from the sky. Not a blizzard yet, but it had potential.

She should be sleeping, but the fact was, Jenny knew when her children were in trouble. More than a fear, it was the sense, deep in her bones—no, in her soul—that something wasn’t right, that they were hurting, or suffering, or even in mortal danger.

She’d known it when Fraser had been taken captive in Nigeria. Woken, as if God had spoken to her aloud.Pray.Pray for his safety. She’d prayed for nearly two weeks before he’d been liberated.