Page 68 of Iris

“I think so. Are you dizzy?”

“No more than usual.” She smiled at him.

“That’s not funny.”

“It’s a little funny.”

Aw. And then the heat just caught up to him, and shoot, but his eyes watered.


“Sorry. You spooked me a bit.” He kissed her cheek. “Had a little flashback of—”

“Nope.” She held up her hand. “We’re not going there. Those are bygone days.” She gave him a tight smile, but…

Something haunted her eyes. “Jenny, are you—”

“Help me up.”

Okay. He got up and pulled her up from the floor. He let her go to turn off the water, and she caught herself on the counter. “Whoa, okay, maybe I am a little dizzy.”

“Let’s get you back into bed.”

“What? No. I have breakfast to make.”

“I’ll make breakfast.”

She gave him a look.

“What? I can make breakfast.”

“Just get me an ice pack and a Band-Aid.” She patted his cheek. “And don’t worry. I’m fine.” She turned and headed to the bedroom.

But as she went, leaving behind the soggy bathroom and the bloody rug and the discarded towel, the old fear shook through him.

Please, God. Not again.

Not yet.


Maybe this was a bad idea. It sort of settled in Hud’s gut as night fell around them in the quietness of the Uber, on the way to Werner Vogel’s supposed address in the Mittee district. Hud had looked it up, and from the Google street view, it looked like a standard four-story historic building.

And he was going to, what—assault the man? It was one thing to hit him on the field, completely another to bring the violence to his home. It didn’t help that Iris’s words sat inside him, haunting.Don’t do something stupid.

Yeah, this might be exactly that—stupid. But they needed answers.

Except Ned was with him, and Ned was a SEAL, and Hud couldn’t get past the idea that he’d somehow notched up the stakes by inviting Ned.

Or Ned inviting him. Whatever.

“Don’t kill anyone.”

Ned looked at him. “What?”

“Just…don’t…you know…do SEAL stuff.”

Ned just blinked at him. “You do know that we try very hard to distinguish the good guys from the bad and to avoid collateral damage? And Werner Vogel is not a terrorist, yet. So don’t worry, Hud. I’m only looking for some answers. Aren’t you?”