Page 36 of Iris

She raised her glass. “To the strong. To the survivors.”

Shae touched her glass to hers. “And to the men who try and protect us.”

Yes. She owed him that much. She took a drink.Promise me that if you get scared, if something happens, you’ll call me.

She looked back out to the sunset, now winking out into the darkness.

Thank you, Thor.

The door opened and Ned popped his head out. “Dinnertime.”

She got up, along with Shae, and they went into the apartment.

The boys had set the table with bowls, candles, and glasses of wine. A regular party.

“What is this?”

“Ramen noodles extraordinaire,” Jonas said. “Ramen with egg, green onions, cheese, and bacon.”

“I’m in,” Shae said.

Iris sat down, drew in the smell. Refused to wonder what Hud was eating.

Probably he was back in Vienna by now. Or just about—


Her father said grace again, and Iris picked up her spoon.

Ned slurped noodles into his mouth. “Okay, Iris, Jonas and I have been over and over your story. And if we could figure out why someone wants you dead, maybe we could figure out who put out the hit.”

Jonas had opted for a fork and was winding the noodles around them. Now, he slurped them into his mouth, then wiped it with a napkin and set down the fork. “What stands out in your story is three things—the phone you were given to take pictures, the ransacked apartment, and your trip to Germany.”

“I gave the phone to Ziggy. She was supposed to try and contact Martin.”

“Have you heard from Ziggy?” Ned asked.

“No. Hudson tried to call her a couple times.”

“Okay, so we have the ransacked apartment. Do you think they were looking for the phone?”

“Maybe. We can’t figure out why he’d want pictures of Hudson on the bridge, although Hud thinks maybe Martin was going to frame him for Tate’s murder.”

“And you kept the phone, so he could be after that.”

“Except I don’t have it anymore, so that’s a problem.”

Ned stirred his Ramen. “Let’s talk about the drop in Germany. What was that?”

“Just a manila envelope. I dropped it at a train station. Took the key.”

“Do you still have the key?” This from her father.

She stared at him. “Um…yes. No—I had it on me when I got back to my house in Lake Como, but I left it there. Hidden in my closet.”

“So it could still be there,” Jonas said.

“Yes. And they wouldn’t have known that I had it on me, so maybe that’s what they were searching for.”