Page 112 of Iris

Yannick wore a pair of jeans, a turtleneck, and a sports coat—very European. He ran a hand over his face. Cleared his throat. “There’s been a complaint lodged against you. Someone from the US who says that you might be involved in a relationship that is a conflict of interest.”

She looked at him. “You mean Hudson Bly.”

He shrugged. “What you do after the season is your business, but…yes.”

“Fear not, we’re, well, barely friends. And the person who lodged the complaint was probably my old boyfriend, Darren Pike, who is a jerk, and everyone knows it.”

Yannick drew in a breath. Then nodded. “Well, Hudson might not be playing in the game anyway.”

“Why not?”

“He was arrested this morning when he arrived in Amsterdam. Didn’t make practice.”

She stilled. “Arrested?”

“Something about the death of Werner Vogel. Not sure—I overheard his coach talking about it today in the pregame meeting.”

“He wasn’t…I mean…”

Yannick looked up at her. Cocked his head. “You know something about Vogel’s death?”

“I thought they ruled it a suicide.”

“Don’t know. But as of right now, Bly isn’t on the starting roster. Just keep your head clear and the calls clean and there shouldn’t be a problem.” He got up. “See you in the morning.”

She sat there, staring at her glass, her heart a fist against her wounded ribs.

Never mind costing him his career—getting involved with her could have cost Hud hisfreedom.

She got up and headed to the elevator, hit the button.



The doors opened and she got on, and it took eternity for it to reach her floor.

She didn’t bother to knock before she burst into her room—hopefully Shae and Ned weren’t in a clinch.

Nope. They sat at the desk, sharing a pizza, laughing.

She stopped, a warmth shooting through her at the expression on Ned’s usually stoic face. Oh, he was handsome when he smiled. And for a second, her mother was in her head.

But the best thing you can do in your life is swap captivity—your fear—for love.


What in your life requires you to trust God?

Hud. Hud required her to trust God. Let Him in. Let God be in charge of her heart. Let love lead.

Love? Oh no, shelovedHudson Bly. Loved his humor, the way he kept showing up. If she were honest, she’d probably fallen in love with him that long night in the cave when he’d kept her alive.

When they’d kept each other alive.

She braced her hand on the wall.

“Hey, sis, what’s up? You okay?”