Page 93 of Taken As Collateral

In a few hours, Rafe will have the Morelli, and he won’t need me or Peter. How much does it matter to him that we’re “civilians?”

“That was some good on-the-spot lying,” Rafe compliments me after hanging up with James.

“So, are we still going to Costa Rica?” I inquire.

“Why wouldn’t we?”

Do I even want to plant the idea in his head that he could have his Morelli and not have to pay Peter and me if he decides to kill us instead?

But Rafe already knows. “Since Alessandro will be taken care of, you and Peter can have his share of the payment,” he says.

My heart jumps at the prospect that Peter and I get to live. It then plummets when I realize Alessandro isn’t as lucky. Even though the guy tried to have my brother killed, I still feel queasy about his fate at the hands of a triad.

“Does he—do you have to—?” I ask.

“As soon as we have the Morelli, yes.”

There’s a finality in his tone, indicating he doesn’t want to debate or talk about it.

“But you’re letting me and Peter...?” I need to confirm.

“You did your job. You deserve the compensation.”

“We don’t have to worry about other consequences?”

“You only have to worry about me killing you if you double-cross me in any way. But I think you and your brother would be too smart to try that.”

I reassure him, “We couldn’t snitch on you without implicating ourselves.”

He nods. “Besides, you’re worth more to me alive than dead, Priscilla.”

I want to explore the meaning of what he just said, but we arrive at the airport where his jet awaits.

It’s been years since I’ve been on a plane, and I mostly remember how cramped it felt with barely any breathing room between Peter’s knees and the seat in front of him. And he’s not a big guy. He’s built a little more like me but taller.

Rafe’s private jet is a whole different story, with plush sofas and rich leather seats that could comfortably fit someone several times wider than me.

We take a seat, as do Chung and the other bodyguards. I wonder if Rafe is ever without them. A flight attendant asks what she can bring us in the way of drinks or food. I’m still too anxious to eat. Usually I’m not the nervous type, but I’m no longer playing in the same sandbox I used to be in. I’m in Rafe’s sandbox now, and it’s way too dangerous for comfort.

After we’ve reached cruising altitude, Rafe settles into his chair and gazes at me. “So James is your first boyfriend?”

I blush again. “I’ve dated. Just haven’t met anyone I’m willing to call a boyfriend.”

“No need to get defensive. You’re young yet. It wasn’t a judgment.”

“And I mayneverwant a boyfriend,” I add. “My life can be complete without one.”

“Of course,” he agrees.

“How many significant others have you had?”

He crosses an ankle over the opposite knee. “Like you, I haven’t had a serious relationship. Nor do I feel like I need to have one. In my line of business, it’s simpler if I don’t.”

“So, Jade and Aiko aren’t your girlfriends?”

“They are play partners.”

That’s what I am too, then. Not sure that he wants to talk about his relationships, sexual or otherwise, with his bodyguards around, I change the subject to Costa Rica, asking him if he’s ever been there.