Page 104 of Taken As Collateral

Chung sets down the lunch basket next to me. “There’s a thermos of Costa Rican coffee in there.”

“You can sit if you want,” I tell him when he starts to walk away, “and have lunch.”

“It’s not in my job description to fraternize.”

I try to lighten the mood. “You have a job description?”

He doesn’t say anything, so I drop it. I probably don’t want to know what else is in his job description anyway. I help myself to the coffee.

Peter and I are going to need to find a hotel. Gigi’s family, too. Then we’ll need flights back to California.

Peter finds me and sits down across from me. “She’s asleep,” he says and helps himself to the food in the basket. “I want to pay for her parents’ tickets since it’s our fault that Gigi got hurt.”


“I’ll just max out a credit card.”

“I share that sentiment, but don’t you think her parents will be suspicious that was can afford to do this? We just deliver food and drive people places.”

Not only is all that a lie, even if we wanted to enroll in ridesharing, the eighteen-year-old Honda Civic Peter and I share hasn’t been operational because it needs a new timing belt. We were going to get it fixed once we got the money for the Morelli.

Peter looks around to see that no one but Chung is near. “I guess this is a sign we should get real jobs.”


“I’m done. With the money from the Morelli heist, we’re good for a while. We’re not stealing anything ever again.”

I look down and nod, though I’ve told Rafe that I would help him get his family heirloom back. Maybe he’ll be satisfied know that he has the Morelli.

“Thank God Alessandro didn’t have a chance to try anything on you,” Peter says.

“I guess it was lucky Rafe took me when he did. Otherwise, who knows what Alessandro would have done.”

“And this Rafe guy didn’t try to hurt you?”

I avoid Peter’s gaze as I reply, “He was nice for a gangster. For the most part.”

“How do we know we can trust him? What if he tries to pull what Alessandro did?”

“So he wouldn’t have to pay us? Trust me, money is not an issue for him.”

“But we know he’s the one who’s behind the Morelli heist. What if he thinks we’d talk to the cops?”

“Why would we do that? So we can end up a bloody pulp?”

“So you’re saying we don’t have to worry about him?”

“I think we’re okay.”

“I hope you’re right, sis. I’d kind of like to meet him myself, just to see.”

I turn to Chung. “What do you think? Can we trust Rafe?”

Chung replies, “My job description does not include offering opinions about my boss.”

“The only thing your sister got wrong is the part about me being nice, which I’m not. Not even for a gangster.”

Peter and I both whip around to see Rafe. He walks over to us. Peter gets to his feet. I can tell my brother is trying not to appear intimidated. Even if Rafe didn’t have Baldy and Vladimir behind him, Rafe has an aura about him. And that piercing gaze.