Page 102 of Taken As Collateral

I hesitate before telling him, “She was transferred to a hospital in San Jose. She’s going to be okay.”

“I should be there!”

“They have to discharge you here first.”

“Let’s get me discharged.”

I go over to where Chung stands and ask him to speak to the nurse.

“Who was that?” Peter asks when I return.

Not wanting to stress him out, I say, “It’s a long story. Let’s focus on your health so we can go see Gigi as soon as possible.”

“She was shot. The driver shot us. Are you sure she’s okay? How do you know that she’s going to be okay?”

“I don’t know much, really. But that’s what I was told.”

“I should be there with her. Does her family know?”

I shake my head. “I just found out yesterday what happened to you guys.”

“I should call her parents. But I don’t have my phone. Do you have yours?”

“No, but I’ll see if I can borrow one from Chung.”

I return with a cellphone and sit by while Peter dials Gigi’s mother and breaks the bad news. He assures her that he’ll be headed over to the hospital in San Jose as soon as he’s discharged. I can hear the panic in her questions and the worry in the shaking of her voice. Guilt fills me. It’s our fault Gigi is hurt. I pray that she can make a full recovery.

The nurse and a doctor appear. The doctor speaks English and asks Peter a series of questions. In between answering, Peter says numerous times that he’s fine and just wants to be discharged. The doctor says that the police will want to speak to him. While we wait for the police to arrive, Peter and I discuss how we’re going to get to Gigi.

“I don’t care if we have to pay for a cab to drive us all the way there,” Peter declares.

I don’t want to trespass upon Rafe any more than I have to, but I’m anxious to see Gigi, too. I like her a lot and would be happy to have her for a sister if Peter decides to propose. I look over to Chung.

“I can take you to San Jose,” he tells me.

“Are you sure?” I ask him.

“Boss predicted that you would want to go there.”

Peter cuts in. “I’m sorry, who are you again?”

Chung looks to me. How should I describe him? A bodyguard on loan?

“I’ll fill you in later,” I tell Peter again, “when we have more privacy.”

Peter tells me what he remembers about what happened to him and Gigi. They were interested in going rafting, and their driver offered a good deal to take them. But even though Peter had never been to the area before, he felt something was off. The car pulled off the main road and drove into a secluded area, where the driver pulled out his gun. He happened to shoot Gigi first, allowing Peter time to grab the man’s arm and try to wrestle the gun from him. Peter ended up in the front seat. He hit his head against the window so hard it broke. The gun went off, hitting the gunman. And that’s all Peter remembered before he blacked out.

When the police come, Peter recounts his story again. They return his possessions they had confiscated as possible evidence and take down his cellphone number in case they needed to reach him again.

“Your story matches what the driver said,” one of the policemen tell Peter.

“The driver confessed?” Peter asked.

“Sí, he told the police in San Jose before he disappeared from the hospital.”


“Ran away, I assume, to avoid the jail.”