Chapter Four


Jagger McCoy had seenthe little nymph dressed in green leather spying on him from the bushes as he swam. It was hard not to miss her. No one from the town of Cedar Bee would dare set foot on any of the acres of land he owned, knowing full well he would shoot them on sight. But this brave girl seemed to have a different agenda, and he wanted to ask questions first, so he followed her dainty footsteps back to his cabin.

Something about the little nymph intrigued him despite the fact that he hadn’t fully seen her face.


What could she possibly be up to?

She’d left behind a titillating ribbon of her perfume in the air as she maneuvered herself through his home, and he had followed her daisy scent all the way to his bedroom.

She wasn’t in the closet. Nor under the bed or in it, sadly. Still, there were only so many places she could be hiding. He knew she was in the bathroom even before he opened the door, but he couldn’t help a soft chuckle from escaping his lips at the sight of her silhouette behind the curtain.

Did she really think she was hidden? Sure, it was a full curtain with a lot of folds, but it had never had boobs before. He wondered if he pulled the curtains aside, would he catch her with her eyes wide as a deer’s in the proverbial headlights, or shut tight, like a child who thought if she couldn’t see him, he couldn’t see her?

Was he smiling? He was, which was annoying. He’d worked hard at cultivating the demeanor of a humorless hardass, and here, his no-smile streak had been broken by a girl he hadn’t even met.

He did wonder if his visit to the town for coffee had anything to do with his unexpected visitor. His weekly food drop-off supply had been a day late, and he had run out of coffee, and without his morning dose of caffeine, he’d be one ‘mild inconvenience’ away from a killing spree all day. His crew deserved better than to have to tiptoe around his temper for no good reason, and he didn’t have time to go to his usual shopping grounds, which was the next town, so he ventured to the nearest local coffee shop and just filled his thermos there.

The McCoys had always kept to themselves throughout every generation. In fact, they were a country unto themselves, McCoy land was their home. They owned every acre of land surrounding the small town of Cedar Bee below, but preferred to do their dealings in the next town, Haley’s Bend, instead.

So yeah, he didn’t think anyone would notice him if he just slipped in and got his coffee, but maybe that had been wishful thinking on his part. There is no man quite so interesting in a small town as the man who doesn’t want to be seen.

Or he could be completely wrong, and the girl with the scent of daisies hiding in his bathroom had nothing to do with Cedar Bee at all. Only time will tell.

He decided to see what her next move was going to be, so he patiently carried on as normal. He planned to take a shower and then a nap. He had worked forty hours straight at the logging camp; it didn't matter that he was the boss, so he needed a nap before he got to work again.

The rest would be up to her. He found himself eager to see her next move.

A surreptitious frown crossed his forehead as he noticed the pair of scissors lying on the other side of the basin countertop. More interesting, he noticed strips of green leather on the floor and the remnants of a squashed tiger beetle.

It didn’t take him long to figure out what had happened.

The beetle had somehow slipped into her skin-tight bodysuit, and she, clearly with a phobia for bugs, had a wardrobe malfunction where she couldn’t remove her clothes without cutting them to pieces.