Then she proceeded to look for a hiding place. But the funny poking feeling against her left breast became more pronounced.

Oh shit.

Realization struck like lightning. There was a bug in her bodysuit, and soon it would start biting her nipple.

All her old fears about bugs resurfaced. Without thinking, she started to unzip herself, but in her haste, the zipper somehow got stuck, and no matter how much she tugged, she couldn’t get it unstuck.

She shoved her hand into the suit, searching around her left breast for the horrendous creature crawling on her, but with her suit loosened and the perspiration dripping down her skin, she lost her grip on its disgusting little legs. She felt it slip down the side of her waist.

Oh god.

She would die then and there if the thing got into her panties.

Barely biting back her screams, she tugged furiously at her clothes when her gaze fell onto a pair of scissors.

Oh god, help her.

Illogically convinced that her suit was now home to thousands of lecherous bugs, she didn’t hesitate and started to cut through the leather.

Breathing frantically, trying not to scream, she clumsily and very terribly managed to cut herself out of the suit. She dragged the rags off her, then unzipped her boots, only because the pair of scissors couldn’t cut through them, until she was in nothing but a pair of white panties, so flimsy in their lacy design, she could make out the silhouette of her pussy.

And there roamed the freaking culprit. A bug she couldn’t name crawled away from her discarded clothes. Fury ripped through her as she picked up her boot and smashed the thing into the pristine white tile of the bathroom floor.

She inspected her boob, which now showcased a few small itchy bumps on the side of her breast and a few down her hip.

Okay. Okay. Okay.

She told herself not to panic. Too much. She was in a strange man’s bathroom to sneak snapshots of his cock just so she could prove to Giselle Fucking Banks she could do it, and she was basically naked and covered in bugbites.

She had lost her mind. All of it.

Sounds coming from the bedroom indicated the owner of both the cabin and the supposed king-size cock had returned on his way to the bathroom for his post-swim shower, just like she’d anticipated.

Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.

Panic. No. Don’t panic. Think. Maybe, panic a little bit.

Gathering up the ribbons of tattered leather previously known as her clothes and her boots, she frantically looked for a place to hide.

There was nothing. Except for the curtains. Big, dark, floor-length blackout curtains. In the bathroom? What was he? Some sort of psycho serial killer with big dick energy?

She’d question his interior design sense later. Right now, she had to hide.

She dove in behind the curtains and pressed herself against the window, thinking skinny thoughts.

No. No. No.

She meant to snag the bath sheet from the railing on the other side of the bathroom first to cover up her nakedness, but now she didn’t have time. The footsteps on the other side of the door sounded too close.

Behind the curtain, she clutched the boots and the remains of her bodysuit so tightly her knuckles turned white. She didn't dare move but couldn’t help trembling. She tried not to breathe either, but the little gasps that escaped her were deafening in the silence.

Just as the bathroom door creaked open and Jagger’s heavy footfalls crossed the threshold, the bite marks on her breast started to itch.

Never had she used such a sheer amount of willpower not to scratch. She didn’t dare. He’d see even the smallest movement of her arm.

Crap! Hewouldsee even the smallest movement of her arm! And now it was impossible for her to snap a picture of him while he showered because first, she had to retrieve her phone, currently bundled in the shreds of her bodysuit, and then move the curtains to get a good shot of him, all without dropping her boots or the other pieces of her clothes, or making any other sound that would give her away.

Standing on the tips of her toes meant that if she made one move, she’d tumble out from behind the curtains in her panties and land right at Jagger McCoy’s big feet.