Giselle was the first to break it. Smirking, with a little extra acid in her normally indifferent tone, she sneered, “I wonder what Jeremy would think about his bride-to-be taking naked pictures of strange men.”

Finley opened her mouth to point out, truthfully enough, that Jeremey wouldn’t give even half a damn, and would probably volunteer to hold the measuring tape for the photo if she asked him...but then slowly closed her mouth again.

Giselle didn’t dislike Finley for no reason after all. Her little tantrums and insults were always more brutal when Jeremy was around and he remained glued to Finley’s side.

Giselle was a little in love with Jeremy Lloyd, if not just completely obsessed with him.

Yes, she knew her step-cousin had asked Jeremy out a while ago, but he had rejected her because he just wasn’t attracted to her, which considering it was Jeremy, came as a grave insult to Giselle. At the time, Giselle had played it off like she didn’t care, but with the clarity of hindsight, Finley could see that the instant Giselle heard that Finley was possibly going to marry him, she had turned up her regular dislike to pure loathing.

“Challenge accepted,” Finley repeated.

God help her, had she lost her ever-loving mind? She was constantly getting herself into these stupid, meaningless little battles with Giselle, even though she knew better than to engage. No matter how much she told herself to ignore her, Giselle was her Achilles' heel, her kryptonite, the clink in her Chanel armor, the freaking thorn in her designer shoes.

But how could she stand by and allow Giselle to make fun of the people of Cedar Bee? And that included the lumberjacks of the McCoy family. Jagger might not know her from a bar of soap, but his reputation was under attack, and Finley Marsh was just the woman to rise to his family’s defense.

With a picture of his dick.

“Fin!” Amanda and Jenna whispered in unison behind her.

“I got this,” Finley said, despite her heart pounding holes into her chest. Still, she offered Giselle a huge smile.

Her step-cousin had no idea about the dynamic of her relationship with Jeremy. So if she thought she’d have one up on Finley, the joke was going to be on her.

But how the fudge was she going to get a picture of Jagger McCoy’s naked cock without him knowing?

Yeah, she had officially stepped onto platform: deranged with a one-way ticket in hand for a train heading straight to WhatthefuckamIdoing.

Chapter Three


“Finley, he’ll literallyshoot you. Trespassers are promptly and, without question, shot. There are signs all over the McCoy land.” Jenna cried. “You can’t do this.”

“You’re not doing this.” Amanda agreed, with finality in her voice.

“I’ll be fine. He isn’t going to shoot a helpless, lost girl. And I am doing this. Alone,” Finley added, because she knew if they couldn’t talk her out of it, they were going to talk her into letting them join her on her mission. “This is my one big thing, I guess. Trust me. It’s going to be all right.”