They were back in Finley’s bedroom for a full debriefing of her mission which they now dubbedOperation DinoDick.

“What about Giselle?” Amanda asked.

“What about her? Honestly, I don’t think I care what she thinks about me anymore.”

“Just like that?” Amanda clicked her fingers.

“Just like that.”

“Well, good for you. It’s about damn time too.”

“What about Jeremy?” Jenna asked.

Both her friends looked at her with a little more scrutiny than she needed.

“What about Jeremy? I’m still going to say yes. That’s going to be my answer. My father needs the help.”

Neither one of them commented on her answer.

They spent the rest of the afternoon catching up on their usual stuff, but there seemed to be a little tension in the air, all directed at her as if her friends were concerned about her. They really had no reason to be worried about her at all.

By the time evening rolled around, Finley became afflicted with a restlessness that bothered her more deeply.

She went downstairs and spoke to her father, hoping to distract herself. He was leaving for the city for the next week or so and she wanted to say goodbye to him. She knew she had time left before she gave her answer as to whether she was going to accept the proposal from the Lloyds and marry Jeremy. And she would, of course.

There was no reason not to let her father know of her decision, but she didn’t bring it up at all. She couldn’t even think about it without feeling a sudden heaviness, not merely in her heart, but with her whole being, as if her future now had a physical weight and it was pressing invisibly down on her.

It wasn’t going to be fun marrying her childhood friend anymore. He didn’t love her, and she didn’t love him, and two days ago, that had been fine, perfect, but now...

Oh, what was this? She didn’t love Jagger McCoy either. How could she? She’d known him for all of an hour, just enough not to be able to ogle him in the shower, get spanked, and be driven home. The fact that he was the most handsome, mesmerizing, sexy god of a man ever to walk the face of the Earth didn’t even figure into her calculations. It was simply out of the question.

Or was it?

The indecision made her feel more restless than ever, and she quickly excused herself to go back up to her room when her father kept asking if something was wrong.

She took an overly long bubble bath, pampered her skin, blow-dried her freshly washed hair, then paced the floor in her robe. It was way too early to go to bed. The sun hadn’t even set yet. She should read. Or get some work done. Or go and bake a cake. Not that she knew how to bake anything, but maybe it was time she learned something new.

After ten minutes of aimless roaming around her room and thinking of all the things she could be doing, she flung open her closet doors, grabbed the first dress she touched, matched it with a pair of flat sandals, and got dressed. From her underwear drawer, she picked out a pair of pink lacy panties. After using some lip gloss, mascara, and her favorite perfume, she gave herself one more look in the mirror, grabbed her car keys, and exited her room.

A few minutes later, she returned, rummaged through another drawer, then left again.

She didn’t stop to question herself, but she was certain this was the reason for her suddenly gloomy mood. And she most certainly was not infatuated with Jagger McCoy. She just had a bet to settle, and it always bothered her big time when she left things unfinished.

She drove until she found herself parked right outside Jagger McCoy’s cabin.


The thought that he wasn’t home didn’t deter her from leaving her car and trying the door to the cabin. It swung open, but then again, everyone left their doors open in Cedar Bee.

She stepped inside and walked to his bedroom. She entered the room the same moment he stepped out of the shower, with a towel slung low on his waist, his body still damp and still magnificently powerful.

She lost her breath at the sight of him. Her panties dampened instantly as his gaze slid down her body, slowly and possessively. When he reached her eyes again, he stared her down. She bit her lip, nervously fidgeting with the material of the pink polka-dot summer dress she wore.

The silence stretched out, and her nerves stretched with it. Her breasts ached so much she thought she was going to explode. The hunger that emanated from her pussy basically debilitated her to the point where she couldn’t think straight anymore.

“Okay,” she began. “You don’t owe me anything. I get that. Completely. But for the sake of my sanity and for the sake of closure so I can wrap this up...” She searched for the right word and came up empty-handed, but she tried again anyway.

“For the sake of closure, so I can wrap up the ‘how big is your dick’ contest between me, your dick, and no one else, I promise, so that I can move the heck on with my life, I’m here to do a little... I don’t know... cock reconnaissance, if you want to call it that. And look. No phones. Just this.” She whipped out a measuring tape from her bag. She came prepared.