How could doing something as clinical as putting ointment on her bite marks be so unnervingly sexual to a novice like her?

He did the same to the bites on her side. At that precise moment, her tummy decided to growl so loudly that she turned a painful shade of red.

The last thing she had eaten was the pizza with Amanda and Jenna yesterday. She’d skipped breakfast this morning. She couldn’t pull a daring scouting mission on a full stomach. Oh, how prepared she thought she’d been!

With her welts tended to, he handed her one of his T-shirts, which she gratefully pulled over her nakedness. It hung on her like a dress and smelled just like him.

His next move surprised her even more. He found her phone and offered it to her.

“Tell whoever you need to that you're okay,” he ordered. “Then meet me in the kitchen.”

Chapter Seven


Numbly, Finley tookthe phone from his hand. Her gaze followed his perfectly sculpted back, rigged with muscles, as he exited the room. She shook her head, then opened the friend group chat she had with Amanda and Jenna. They had sent her a million messages already.

She quickly told them she was okay and would be coming home soon. She glanced around the bedroom once more, then slowly made her way to the kitchen.

There she found Jagger pouring orange juice into a glass that had been set next to what she assumed was a thick beef sandwich.

“Sit,” he ordered her.

She had every intention of refusing. He wasn’t the boss of her. He couldn’t tell her what to do or expect her to listen to him.

She sat down anyway and then remembered why both she and Amanda didn’t want to get spanked. It hurt all over again, and she winced visibly but then soon found that if she sat a little on her side, then shifted to the other side every now and again, she could manage.

“Just because I’m sitting doesn’t mean I obeyed your instruction to sit.” On the last word, she changed her voice to try and mimic him. It was a dismal attempt, but her message was clear.

“Is that so?” he said, leaning into the kitchen countertop and stroking his stubbly beard.

“Damn right, it’s exactly so. Also, I’m hungry, so that’s why.” She bit into the sandwich, and her taste buds transcended into heaven. The ensemble was perfect. She gobbled it up without caring what she looked like from his viewpoint. When she finished her last bite, he slipped a side plate stacked with a thick slice of pie in front of her.

“Eat,” he said and this time, she didn’t bother responding. If she could, she would have inhaled the thing.

Leaving her with the pie, Jagger disappeared into the bedroom for a few minutes and returned after donning a T-shirt, to sadly cover up his abs but he was also carrying a brown bag that he placed on the counter.