Jagger pushed into her. The one hand on which she had been balancing caved, and she found herself collapsing onto the chaise. The left cheek of her face was flat against the leather, her fingers in her pussy, her ass in the air, and Jagger was penetrating her hole with his colossal-sized cock.

One last time.

She gritted her teeth through the agonizing, sweet torture as he expanded her flesh. She ignored her tears and concentrated only on the way Jagger’s deep, grunting breaths made her feel; then the low growling that came from deep inside him as she opened herself up for him. He was beautiful. Magnificent. Perfect.

She accepted the waves of stinging pain every time he dragged his cock deeper into her. And deeper still. She shuddered when he started to move in and out of her, gripping her hips tighter when she remembered the pain of being stretched and clenched down to deny him excess. But he took it from her, like he was taking her heart.

"Take me, Finley," he roughly rasped as he slipped in behind her on the chaise, gathered her in his arms, and buried every inch of his cock she could take inside her.

He kissed her cheek, her neck, and her shoulder where he had bitten her before.

"Fuck. Can you feel my cock inside you, Kitten? Do you know how deep I am inside you? Do you know how fucking stunning you are with my cock in your ass and your fingers touching me through the whisper-thin shield you have?"

She relished his praise, heightened only by the wonder in his own voice.

"Mine. All of you is mine. Forever and ever."

He fucked her then, torturously slow and mind-alteringly deep. Wetness now seeped past her fingers onto the chaise.

Her body started to rattle. She couldn’t open herself up wider for him. Her finger pushed in deeper, and the thought that she could feel him actually inside her body was what triggered her orgasm.

Her body undulated. Her flesh squeezed and hugged both his cock and her fingers.

"Ah fuck. You’re sublime, my Little Kitten."

Crushing her to him, Jagger quaked inside her. Pulse after pulse, he heated her asshole with his cum, and she felt it all.

And nothing could have been more perfect.

But if she were in any doubt before, even just the slightest, she empirically knew that she had to never see him again. Because she had done the most torturous thing she could have ever done, she fell in love with him.

But Jagger wouldn’t let her go.

He eased his cock from her, his cum dripping from her onto the leather as he carried her against him to the bathroom and into the shower. She let him lather her up, wash her hair, dry her, massage her, and then he made her sleep in his arms.

When she opened her eyes again, it would be the last time she was going to see him.


Finley slept all throughthe night and most of the morning. She found herself alone in his bed, which was a good thing because she planned to call either Amanda or Jenna to take her home.

Keeping the sheet around her, she looked for her purse, which Jagger had thrown onto a chair. She needed her phone. Frowning, she couldn’t understand the multitude of calls she received from basically everyone she knew. They were messages from her dad’s PA, Mona, and her uncle. There were so many from Jeremy, Amanda, and Jenna that she started to shake. Did something happen to her father?

Blinded by tears already, she opened the last message she received from Jeremy.

Her legs couldn’t hold her up anymore, and she sank to the edge of the bed in sheer shock.

She tried to placate feelings by saying at least nothing had happened to her father; he was still with her, but what she knew now destroyed her.

It had been her father who had set the date for when she should give her final answer as to whether or not she was going to marry Jeremy. But he had done that purposefully because, by the time she was meant to have given her answer, it would have been too late.

Her father had declared bankruptcy and immediately went into auction the same day. So as of yesterday, all the hotels he owned globally were put up for auction. The money he made was to pay off his monumental debts. As of yesterday, all his hotels were bought and owned by someone else. Marsh Hotels no longer existed.

He hadn’t wanted her to marry Jeremy just to save him because he had known all along that this had been his plan.

She was so angry with him that she wanted to scream. How could he do this to her? His message was clear: Her father was giving up on life.

Oh god. And it was all her fault. She had been too busy wrapped up in her own things with Jagger.