Okay. She could do this, just keep calm and keep quiet.

She turned around, expecting to find the bath sheet that was there from before, but sadly it was nowhere in sight. She peered back into the bedroom, searching for a T-shirt she could use, a bedsheet, a sock, anything that would cover her nakedness.

Fuck. Was the man a neat freak? Not a stitch of clothing could be found anywhere.

If she decided to open his closets, she had a greater risk of waking him.

She had planned to tiptoe through his bedroom in her panties, carrying her ruined clothes and boots in her hands, and make her escape while there had been enough daylight to do so.

But then her gaze fell on his sleeping form. The sheet covered only the lower part of his body in a manner so precarious that if she leaned down and blew at the bed sheet, it would float right off him.

The thought that he might be sleeping naked struck her, and if that were the case, she could wrap things up straight away and completely eliminate any risk of another cock up if she had to return.

After quietly placing her frayed clothes and boots onto the carpeted floor, she approached his bed.

She had been so darn close. Just one more inch of the sheet, and she’d have made the much-anticipated acquaintance with his tree trunk.

But it hadn’t worked out that way.

And now she was here.

For the first time in her life, she had lost her tongue. Plus, her ability to move.

Naughty little girls get spanked for trespassing with their panties on. Naughtier little girls who trespass on my private property with the intent to take pictures of my cock, get spanked on their bare bottom.

The astronomical effect he had on her body and mind was more than she could handle. Then he spoke to her, and the sound of his deep and husky voice captivated, and enticed every fiber of her being.

She had to escape. Using all her strength, she managed to move a small inch, but instead of pushing away from him, she ended up arching her back into his body. Her legs parted further, automatically drawing him closer between her thighs.

He grunted at her. But she did it again. This time, the hand clasping her hip squeezed a little, warning her not to move again, but how could she not when all he did was stoke new flames? She pushed her hands against his chest. The beat of his heart seemed to penetrate her fingers and echo inside the rest of her body.

She gasped at the intimacy of it all, and unconsciously arched her back again. She bit her lip to stop herself from moaning out loud when his calloused thumb stroked the bare flesh on her hip as he forced her to drown in his gaze.

She felt out of her depth.

Out of his league.

Never before had she been so intensely reminded of the fact that she was a virgin. Oh, she understood all the technical parts. But this? This visceral, blinding, hot, and wet sensation, flaring to life at just the thought of him, ruined her.

Oh god. Now she was thinking of sex. Sex with him. Sex not just with that...that beast of a beef stick so heavy between her thighs, but with Jagger McCoy.

She made one more gallant attempt to be released, but this time, after issuing her with another warning growl, he rolled off her. She should have been relieved, but her body, empty of his presence, suffered a kind of bereavement that shattered her.

What the freaky fuck was happening to her?

She couldn’t understand why her lips had turned down, initiating some sort of pouting party she had no business hosting. Did she honestly want him to lay over her like that forever?

No, that would be utterly bonkers. She was Finley Marsh. Bonkers was not her middle name.

By the time she awkwardly rose from the bed, grabbing the sheet to cover her nakedness, he had already slipped into a pair of drawstring silk pants. That act alone immediately brought back her grip on the situation. She had been momentarily floored... or bedded... no, never mind; she was not going to finish that thought.

But her blood had cooled, and her facilities returned to their full capacity now, allowing her to regain some of her composure. She had stood up and gathered the sheet around her, avoiding his steely gaze.

Jagger McCoy was not a man who could be avoided. “So, which is it?” he demanded lazily. “What am I going to be spanking you for? Trespassing? Or taking dick pics without permission?”