Page 29 of Out of Sight

Evie looks beautiful, her dark hair arranged in loose curls around her shoulders and dressed in a peach-colored gown. I should probably be complimenting the bride, but I can't stop looking at the little tease beside her. I've never seen Issy wear anything more formal than a sun dress. She takes my breath away on an hourly basis just by existing. How the fuck am I supposed to go through this dinner without putting my hands on her when she's wearing black satin and stilettos so high they make her legs look endless.

She isn't looking at me, though, and I feel a flash of fear that I might have gone too far last night. Her parents might be assholes, but they'reher parents,and I've complicated an already tangled situation. I open my mouth to ask her to talk to me alone, but Caroline calls out behind us before I can.

"Isobel! You should be leaving to walk your grandmother over here!"

Issy hurries off without a word, and I have to grit my teeth to keep myself from snapping at Caroline. It won't help, and I need to find out what's going on in her head before making any big moves. I'd thought everything was fine, but now- I move to follow her, but Evie catches my elbow, and I look around at her.

"Don't." She warns me under her breath, darting her eyes toward Caroline. "You'll make it worse."

"What's going on?"

Evie shakes her head, lips pinched in worry. "I'm really not sure. I think she and Mom had some kind of fight this morning, probably about you. Neither of them are talking though, and-"

"Oh, Donald, look how grown she is, little Evie, the bride!" I step out of the way as an old woman barrels past me in a cloud of perfume, engulfing Evie in a hug I can smell from here.

"Aunt Janice." Evie's smile looks painful, "Thank you so much for coming. Reuben just had to run back to his bungalow, but this is his father, Judah."

I help Evie greet the first wave of guests before Reuben reappears to take over, and I'm just trying to decide whether I should leave in search of Issy or wait for him to come to me when she enters the room beside a sour-faced old woman who must be her grandmother.

"Much too short. I don't know why women feel the need to show so much skin." The woman grumbles disapprovingly, shaking her head as they approach Evie and Reuben. "Evelyn, my goodness, your mother let you keep your hair that long for the wedding?"

Issy makes her escape, meeting my eyes as she strides across the slowly filling room, slipping outside onto the empty patio. I take the hint, following after a quick look confirming that Caroline is occupied with her newly arrived mother and John is nowhere in sight.

I find her waiting in a shadowy corner, her expression unreadable.

"Hey," I say cautiously as I approach, but she doesn't let me worry for long. My chest relaxes when she moves forward, wrapping her arms around my middle tightly and burying her face in my chest.

We're okay.

"What's going on?" I ask, kissing her hair. It feels so good to hold her like this and know she's looking to me for comfort. "Reuben said things have been tense."

"It's a long story." She snuggles closer, relaxing slightly as I run my hand back and forth over her back. "You look really good in a tux, by the way."

I chuckle, "If you're a good girl, I'll let you take it off later. Dinner isn't going to start for a few minutes. We have time. Tell me now."

Issy pulls away with a sigh, and while she doesn't look angry, I can feel anxiety and tension radiating off her as she begins to speak. "My Mom was waiting for me when I got back to my bungalow this morning. I guess she put the pieces together after youattackedmy father? Why did you do that?"

My stomach drops. "I'm so sorry, Issy. I never meant to put you in that position. I should have told you what happened last night, but…" I trail off, trying to find a way to say I was distracted by her pussy without sounding like a hormonal teenager.

"It's okay. I'm sure he was being a dick." She shrugs helplessly, looking away toward the ocean. "Mom was mad. She said a lot of stuff, and I guess I'm just processing. I'll figure it out."

"Wewill." I correct her

She heaves a sigh, looking back at me wearily. "Listen, I think we need to take a step back.For now. Things are tense, and I need to play by Mom's rules until I finish college."

I stare at her, my whole body suddenly numb. "What did she say to you?"

"It doesn't matter."

"Yes. It does." I step forward, crowding her into the railing, and hear her breath catch. "Because you don't want to take steps back, do you?"

Issy blinks up at me, clearly trying to keep a grasp on whatever resolution she came to in the hours we've been apart. "I- Yes. I do."

"Haven't you figured out by now that I know when you're lying, Isobel Bradley?" I drop my head forward, kissing her fluttering pulse point. "Things like this,like us, don't happen every day. You gave yourself to me last night, and you can't take it back now."

My hand dips beneath the short hem of her dress, gripping her whole pussy through the damp panties she's wearing, and Issy whimpers, her eyes going wide. "Judah, I'm just saying we should be logical with the wedding-"

"Fuck logical." I hook her panties to the side and push two fingers inside her. She's still swollen from the last few days. I've been rough on her, but the soft, needy whine she makes when I add a third finger is proof she needs it like that. I'm going to have my hands full, keeping her needy cunt satisfied. "We agreed, Issy. No more running. What the hell are you doing?" I fuck her slowly in slow, measured strokes of my fingers, my thumb gently circling her stiff little nub as wetness coats my hand.