Page 11 of Out of Sight

It was orange juice, but they've clearly made up their minds about me, so who am I to argue?

I sleep for a long time, not waking up until Evie comes down to rub my shoulder and softly tell me we're back at the resort.

On the deck, everyone looks windswept and tan, wearing wide, easy smiles and making jokes about the terrible sandwiches as we file off onto the dock. All except Judah, who looks more like he's been attending a funeral than spending a day at sea with his future in-laws and his son.

"Feeling better, Isobel?" Asks Kennedy kindly when I step off beside her, and I have to rip my eyes from her ex-husband's ass to look back at her.

"I'm okay, thank you. Just seasick."

Evie disembarks next and stands beside me, looping her arm through mine. "So, no word from Harvard?"

My throat tightens. "No. Not yet."

I'm sure we look like any ordinary pair of sisters from the outside. Maybe to Evie, we are, but even though connecting with her has always been something I've wanted desperately, now that she's trying, I just feel… scared. She doesn't know me, and as silly as it sounds, I can't help the nagging, childish worry that she won't like me when she does.

Evie nods thoughtfully, her brow furrowed. "I'm sure you'll get in no problem. Maybe I'll drive to Boston once you're settled and show you my favorite haunts from med school."

"I'd love that." We walk together to the end of the dock and turn back to see Dad, Tom, Reuben, and Judah unloading fishing gear and coolers while Mom and Kennedy talk off to the side.

"I know they're not easy on you." I look up, my eyes widening in surprise. Evie has never criticized our parents or said a negative word about them, at least not to me. She's looking at me now with a sad, almost mournful expression. "I just want you to know you can talk to me. As a fellow victim of Bradley pressure cooker parenting."

I nod but don't say anything. It seems shitty to admit, even to myself, but I don't think I completely trust her. I can't imagine us having the kind of relationship where we can bitch about Mom and Dad, especially since they treat her like she walks on water. "Okay. Thank you." I whisper, and I see Evie's shoulders fall just a little.

My eyes drift, almost unwillingly, to Judah. He's standing with his arms crossed over his broad chest, talking to Tom. "Do you like him?" I ask suddenly, looking back at her. "Judah, I mean. What do you think of him?"

Evie tilts her head, considering. "I do. I think I do, anyway. We haven't spent a ton of time together. Reuben looks up to him a lot, though. And his professional reputation is excellent."

"Do you know if he got married again after Kennedy?"

That prompts a startled laugh from Evie. "What on Earth made you think of that?"

"Just curious." I give a noncommittal little shrug, trying to look casually interested instead of desperate for the information.

I'm not sure I pull it off because Evie's eyes are glued to my face when she responds. "No, he never got married again. Reuben's told me he doesn't date much either. A few girlfriends here and there, but nobody who stuck around long."

I refuse to consider why her words make me feel lighter than I have in days.

Chapter Six



Reuben leads the way through the crowded resort restaurant to the bar. There's nothing on Evie's schedule for tonight, giving everyone a chance to relax after a long day on the water, so I seized my opportunity to grab a few minutes alone with my son.

Today was, frankly, brutal. In addition to the obsessive attraction, Isobel seems to bring out a near-feral level of protectiveness. Watching from the outside as she struggles, trying to force herself to want things she doesn't for the sake of people who treat her like dirt, is agonizing. We're only two days into this trip, and already, the restraint I'm employing to keep myself from saying something to Caroline and John is wearing thin.

As we sit down at the bar, Reuben looks over at me. "Something's bothering you."

I don't deny it. "John and Caroline… Isobel."

Apparently, I don't need to explain further because Reuben nods, his expression growing tight too. "I know."

"Is this normal?" I ask desperately, dropping my voice to ensure we aren't overheard. "You've been around them as a family more than I have. Is it always like this?"

Reuben sighs. "Ihaven'tspent much time with them as a family. Isobel goes to college in Chicago. She doesn't come home much-"

"Do you blame her?"I snap, immediately on the defensive, but Reuben gives me a look, and I nod in mute apology.