It’s the bond that draws me to them and nothing more. There has to be some way to sever it. Maybe if I do, they’ll be happy enough they’ll leave me alone?
“I can practically feel your mind racing,” Atlas murmurs, nuzzling his cheek to the top of my head. “You’re not alone, and as long as I draw breath, you never will be.”
My eyes squeeze shut as I cuddle closer to his strong form. I honestly don’t know what I would do without him. He’s never once played games. He’s very much a “what you see is what you get” type of monster.
The terrifying part is that I know Hex and Silence won’t leave without a fight. They’ll want to drag me back and lock me up, or possibly put me to death for having magic that’s against the goddess.
What a nightmare.
“She’s in love with the orc.” Hex frowns at his cocktail.
“Did you think this would be easy?” I laugh mirthlessly. “Nothing with our wife is easy.”
“Because we hurt her,” Hex says, swallowing large mouthfuls of the human ale.
I scoff, but he might be right.
I’ve had many years to stew on the events of our wedding day.
There was a considerable amount of controversy about whether our union was binding without it being consummated. My gut churns, recalling how the Seelie council demanded we fuck our wife when she was barely conscious, let alone in any state to be touched intimately.
Ali was too honorable for her own good. Unseelie can lie, but she refused to back down and spoke nothing but the truth.
The damn foolish woman.
“Are they far enough away that they won’t spot us?”
Hex’s head wobbles side to side. “They probably won’t. Gods, you’re impatient.”
“Don’t act like you aren’t,” I grumble, pushing myself off my barstool. “Is there a bill?” I ask the woman with something in her eye. She’s been continually fluttering her eyelashes. I believe she might have some type of irritation in her cornea.
Her breasts spill from the top of her corset as she leans farther over the bar, looking a bit like an animal poised to attack. I take a step back. Things are much different from the last time I was in the human realm.
“It’s on the house.” She grins, tapping her bright red nails on the wood.
“That means paid for,” Hex tells me, already in motion toward the door.
I follow without another word and ignore the huff that comes from the female siren.
We’ve employed many tactics over the years to find our wife. Hex has spent more time in the human realm because the court was never willing to be without my gifts for long.
It’s fine.
I’m more than capable of looking after myself, even if I don’t understand all the human customs.
* * *
“I wish I knew what bloody state we’re in.” Hex glances both ways at an intersection.
I do have basic knowledge about the human world. There are books and educational materials, even in Faere. I’ve been to the human realm, but not for over twenty years. It looks very much the same as what I remember and also completely different.
After the debacle at our wedding, Hex and I were not allowed to leave court at the same time. Sure, we could have left at any time, but it was better to let those in charge believe we were loyal to their cause. We were very closely scrutinized for many years as they tried to determine if we played a part in Ali’s escape.
If we had, we bloody well would have gone with her, now wouldn’t we?